Xiros, N.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 12
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Status of the VIVACE Converter: Current and wave energy harvester using fluid structure interaction and fish-bioinspired control Bernitsas, M., Liapis, S., Sadiq, S. Presentation Current, Vortex-Induced Vibration, Wave Field Data, Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics
Modeling and Numerical Simulation of a Buoyancy Controlled Ocean Current Turbine Hasankhani, A., VanZwieten, J., Tang, Y. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling Materials, Mooring, Performance
In-Stream Hydrokinetic Turbine Fault Detection and Fault Tolerant Control - A Benchmark Model Tang, Y., VanZwieten, J., Dunlap, B. Conference Paper Current Control
Numerical Simulation and Dynamical Response of a Moored Hydrokinetic Turbine Operating in the Wake of an Upstream Turbine for Control Design Pyakurel, P., VanZwieten, J., Sultan, C. Journal Article Current Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics
Model Predictive Control for Moored Ocean Current Turbines Ngo, T., Sultan, C., VanZwieten, J. Conference Paper Current, Ocean Current Modeling Control
System Modeling and Simulation of In-Stream Hydrokinetic Turbines for Power Management and Control Tzelepis, V., VanZwieten, J., Xiros, N. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling Control, Performance
Numerical modeling of turbulence and its effect on ocean current turbines Pyakurel, P., VanZwieten, J., Dhanak, M. Journal Article Current, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
An assessment of using variable blade pitch for moored ocean current turbine flight control VanZwieten, J., Pyakurel, P., Ngo, T. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling Array Effects, Control, Mooring, Performance
Modeling, System Identification and Linearization of Underwater Turbine Power Plant Dynamics Tzelepis, V., VanZwieten, J., Xiros, N. Conference Paper Current, Ocean Current Modeling Control
Ocean Wave Energy Conversion Concepts Xiros, N., Dhanak, M. Book Chapter Wave Modeling Performance, Structural
An Integrated Methodology for the Optimal Thermal Design of an Ocean Turbine Pressure Vessel: A Soft-Computing Approach Xiros, N., Kaise, K. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling
Monitoring Ocean Turbines: a Reliability Assessment Beaujean, P., Khoshgoftaar, T., Sloan, J. Conference Paper Current