TY - RPRT TI - Extreme Ocean Wave Conditions for Northern California Wave Energy Conversion Device AU - Berg, J AB - The work described in this document was performed in support of the marine hydrokinetic (MHK) reference model effort led by Sandia National Laboratories. The goal of the reference model effort is to develop a representative set of models for the MHK industry that establish baseline cost of energy and identify key areas for technology improvement. The focus of this report is extreme ocean wave, wind, and surface current conditions at the Northern California deployment site chosen for the Reference Model 3 point-absorber wave device. Archived data records from wave buoys at the reference site are analyzed in accordance with the recommendations of applicable design standards to calculate the 100-year wave height and period as well as extreme wind conditions. DA - 2011/01// PY - 2011 SP - 18 PB - Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) SN - SAND2011-9304 UR - https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1113856 DO - 10.2172/1113856 LA - English KY - Wave KY - Point Absorber KY - Field Data KY - Extreme Events KY - Site Characterization KY - Deployment KY - Cost Assessment KY - Levelized Cost of Energy ER -