Moreno, E.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 13
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
System identification and centralised causal impedance matching control of a row of two heaving point absorber wave energy converters Vervaet, T., Quartier, N., Moreno, E. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Performance
A Multi-PTO Wave Energy Converter for Low Energetic Seas: Ensenada Bay Case. Gonzalez, P., Baldwin, E., Stratigaki, V. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data Performance, Power Take Off
How certification accelerates commercial uptake of marine energy solutions Scheijgrond, P., Levasseur, A., Richard, E. Conference Paper Current, Tidal, Wave Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Control
The 6-float wave energy converter M4: Ocean basin tests giving capture width, response and energy yield for several sites Moreno, E., Stansby, P. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Mooring, Power Take Off
Moored multi-float wec m4 and hybrid with wind: Experiments and modelling Stansby, P., Moreno, E., Stallard, T. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics
Drag, added mass and radiation damping of oscillating vertical cylindrical bodies in heave and surge in still water Gu, H., Stansby, P., Stallard, T. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Large capacity multi-float configurations for the wave energy converter M4 using a time-domain linear diffraction model Stansby, P., Moreno, E., Stallard, T. Journal Article Wave Modeling Power Take Off
Extreme motion and response statistics for survival of the three-float wave energy converter M4 in intermediate water depth Santo, H., Taylor, P. , Moreno, E. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator Modeling
Linear diffraction analysis of the three-float multi-mode wave energy converter M4 for power capture and structural analysis in irregular waves with experimental validation Sun, L., Zang, J., Stansby, P. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance
Linear diffraction analysis for optimisation of the three-float multi-mode wave energy converter M4 in regular waves including small arrays Sun, L., Stansby, P., Zang, J. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
Capture width of the three-float multi-mode multi-resonance broadband wave energy line absorber M4 from laboratory studies with irregular waves of different spectral shape and directional spread Stansby, P., Moreno, E., Stallard, T. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance
Three-float broad-band resonant line absorber with surge for wave energy conversion Stansby, P., Moreno, E., Stallard, T. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance
Wave energy conversion with high capture width by the three-float line absorber M4 Maggi, A., Moreno, E., Stansby, P. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Structural