The Tethys Engineering Photo Library hosts photos and illustrations of marine energy devices, test sites, and monitoring technologies that have been graciously provided by developers. These images are free for third party use, and attribution should be given to the developer rather than Tethys Engineering. If you are a developer and would like to contribute high-resolution images, please email
AMOG Consulting
Andritz Hydro
Arrecife Energy
Atargis Energy Corporation
AZURA Wave Energy
Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP)
Blue Shark Power Systems
CalWave Power Technologies, Inc.
Carnegie Clean Energy Limited
Columbia Power (C·Power)
CorPower Ocean
Eco Wave Power
Equinox Ocean Turbines
European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC)
Floating Power Plant
Fred. Olsen BOLT Sea Power
Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE)
GKinetic Energy
Hydrokinetic Energy Corp
Jupiter Hydro
LUPA Laboratory Upgrade Point Absorber
Displaying 1 - 300 of 800