Vermaas, D.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 11
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Active Control of Irreversible Faradic Reactions to Enhance the Performance of Reverse Electrodialysis for Energy Production from Salinity Gradients Oh, Y., Han, J-Y., Kim, H. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Reverse Electrodialysis Lab Data Control, Performance
Upscale potential and financial feasibility of a reverse electrodialysis power plant Daniilidis, A., Herber, R., Vermaas, D. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Modeling
Thermodynamic, Energy Efficiency, and Power Density Analysis of Reverse Electrodialysis Power Generation with Natural Salinity Gradients Yip, N., Vermaas, D., Kijmeijer, K. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Modeling Performance
Experimentally obtainable energy from mixing river water, seawater or brines with reverse electrodialysis Daniilidis, A., Vermaas, D., Herber, R. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Lab Data Performance
Enhanced mixing in the diffusive boundary layer for energy generation in reverse electrodialysis Vermaas, D., Saakes, M., Nijmeijer, K. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Reverse Electrodialysis Lab Data, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Early detection of preferential channeling in reverse electrodialysis Vermaas, D., Saakes, M., Nijmeijer, K. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Lab Data
Performance-determining membrane properties in reverse electrodialysis Guler, E., Elizen, R., Vermaas, D. Journal Article Lab Data Structural
High Efficiency in Energy Generation from Salinity Gradients with Reverse Electrodialysis Vermaas, D., Veerman, J., Yip, N. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Reverse Electrodialysis Performance
Fouling in reverse electrodialysis under natural conditions Vermaas, D., Kunteng, D., Saakes, M. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Structural
Theoretical power density from salinity gradients using reverse electrodialysis Vermaas, D., Guler, E., Saakes, M. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Reverse Electrodialysis Modeling
Power generation using profiled membranes in reverse electrodialysis Vermaas, D., Saakes, M., Nijmeijer, K. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Lab Data Materials, Structural