The conference presented research in the following areas:
A. Communications Systems:
1. Modulation and Detection,
2. Coding and Decoding,
3. OFDM/Multicarrier,
4. Cognitive Radio,
5. Game Theory in Communications,
6. Physical Security,
7. 60 HGz,
8. Underwater Communications,
9. DSL and Wireline Technologies,
10. Optical Communications,
11. Wireless Video,
12. Future Trends
B. MIMO Communications and Signal Processing:
1. Space-Time Coding and Decoding,
2. Channel Estimation and Equalization,
3. Multiuser and Massive MIMO,
4. Cooperation,
5. Relaying,
6. Limited Feedback,
7. Interference Management
C. Networks:
1. Ad Hoc Networks,
2. Wireless Sensor Networks,
3. Network Information Theory,
4. Cooperative Diversity,
5. Optimization,
6. Heterogeneous Networks,
7. Cognitive/Adaptive Networks,
8. Social Networks,
9. Distributed Algorithms,
10. Security
D. Signal Processing and Adaptive Systems:
1. Compressive Sensing,
2. Machine Learning & Statistical Signal Processing,
3. Information Theoretic & Cognitive Signal Processing,
4. Adaptive Filtering,
5. Adaptive Sensing,
6. Fast Algorithms
E. Array Signal Processing:
1. Source Localization,
2. Source Separation,
3. Adaptive Beamforming
4. Robust Methods
5. Computational Aspects,
6. Applications (Sonar, Radar, Microphone arrays, etc.)
F. Biomedical Signal and Image Processing:
1. Medical Image Analysis,
2. Imaging Modalities,
3. Advances in Medical Imaging,
4. Biomedical Signal Processing,
5. Biomedical Applications,
6. Bioinformatics,
7. Image Registration and Multimodal Imaging,
8. Image Reconstruction,
9. Computer Aided Diagnosis,
10. Functional Imaging,
11. Visualization
G. Architecture and Implementation:
1. Energy Efficient Design,
2. High-Speed Computer Arithmetic,
3. Reconfigurable Signal Processing,
4. Multicore, Manycore and Distributed Systems,
5. Algorithm and Architecture Co-optimization,
6. System-Level Representation and Synthesis,
7. Cyber-Physical System Prototypes/Testbeds
H. Speech, Image and Video Processing:
1. Speech Processing,
2. Speech Coding,
3. Speech Recognition,
4. Narrowband/Wideband Speech and Audio Coding,
5. Document Processing,
6. Models for Signal and Image Processing,
7. Image and Video Coding,
8. Image and Video Segmentation,
9. Image and Video Analysis,
10. Image/Video Security, Retrieval and Watermarking,
11. Image and Video Enhancement/Filtering,
12. Biometrics and Security,
13. Wavelets
Event Documents
The following is a list of papers and presentations produced by this event.
Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Technology | Collection Method | Application |
Optimal design of sensor networks for enhanced ocean wave energy conversion | Alnajjab, B., Blum, R. | Wave | Modeling | Performance |