The Marine Alliance For Science and Technology For Scotland (MASTS) is working with the INfluence of man-made Structures In The Ecosystem (INSITE) programme to deliver the Structures in the Marine Environment (SIME2021) conference. SIME2021 will be held online via HopIn and split over two half day sessions (afternoon of 17th June and morning of 18th June 2021).
Within an international context, and taking man-made structures (MMS) in its widest definition, SIME2021 will focus on the impact that the presence or removal of these structures may have on biological marine ecosystems. SIME2021 welcomes abstracts in the areas of biodiversity & MMS; restoration & MMS; natural vs artificial substrata; connectivity of structures; and the social and political implications of MMS. Abstracts are due 16th April 2021.
Academics, stakeholders, industry and government representatives and interested parties are invited to come together for talks, e-posters, networking and discussion about man-made structures already within the marine ecosystem, and any new infrastructures that may be put in place over the coming decades. Attend SIME2021 to talk about the impacts, benefits and implications of these structures, and discuss how we can accelerate our understanding to support policy and regulatory decisions.