Hydrokinetic turbines make it possible to generate electrical energy from a renewable source, using water flow energy, which is usually obtained from rivers, seas, and manmade canals, among other sources. This technology contributes to the conservation of the environment, since it does not require the construction of dams because performance is not limited to the water head, which is one of the main characteristics that distinguishes this technology from conventional hydroelectric plants. This article is a review of hydrokinetic turbines with a horizontal axis, taking into account a series of design parameters, computational simulation, manufacturing materials, and some improvements implemented to increase the efficiency of this type of technology, including the use of diffusers and/or nozzles, their arrangement in the water, and others. This work will help to identify some of the areas that have been addressed by other investigators, as well as to promote the use of hydrokinetic turbines for exploiting the energy available from hydric sources in different regions of the world, which, in particular, can be used to provide electrical energy in non-interconnected zones. All of this will contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and the sustainability of the region where the technology can be used.