
Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 3153
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Power fluctuation and wake characteristics of tidal stream turbine subjected to wave and current interaction Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y., Zheng, Y. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Lab Data Hydrodynamics, Performance
Experimental and multiphase modeling of small vertical-axis hydrokinetic turbine with free-surface variations Yosry, A., Alvarez, E., Valdes, R. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Deep Learning-Based Prediction of Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Solutions for Vertical-Axis Turbines Dorge, C., Bibeau, E. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
A Multicontinuum-Theory-Based Approach to the Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites with Degraded Stiffness and Strength Properties Due to Moisture Absorption Anderson, E., Gunawan, B., Nicholas, J. Journal Article Current, Wave Lab Data, Modeling Materials
Introducing a design procedure for Archimedes Screw Turbine based on optimization algorithm Shahverdi, K., Najafi, G., Mamat, R. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
Maneuverability prediction of the wave glider considering ocean currents Sang, H., Zhang, Z., Sun, X. Journal Article Current, Kite, Ocean Current Modeling Hydrodynamics
Tidal turbine support in microgrid frequency regulation through novel cascade Fuzzy-FOPID droop in de-loaded region Singh, K., Arya, Y. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Control, Grid Integration
Effect of the geometric configuration of the pendulum system of tandem cylinders (PSTC) on the hydrokinetic energy conversion efficiency of wake-induced vibration Jang, Y., Kim, H., Lee, C. Journal Article Current, Vortex-Induced Vibration Lab Data Performance, Structural
Toward the Instrumentation and Data Acquisition of a Tidal Turbine in Real Site Conditions Murray, R., Simms, A., Bharath, A. Journal Article Current, Tidal Field Data Materials, Substructure
A review of geographic information system (GIS) and techno economic (TE) software tools for renewable energy and methodology to develop a coupled GIS-TE software tool for marine renewable energy (MRE) O’Connell, R., Murphy, J., McAuliffe, F. Journal Article Current, Wave, Salinity Gradient, OTEC Field Data, Modeling
What are the UK power system benefits from deployments of wave and tidal stream generation? Pennock, S., Jeffrey, H. Report Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling
Evaluating energy loss with the entropy production theory: A case study of a micro horizontal axis river ducted turbine Wang, X., Yan, Y., Wang, W. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Riverine Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Induction study of a horizontal axis tidal turbine: Analytical models compared with experimental results Jouenne, L., Druault, P., Krawczynski, J. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
Numerical investigation of the spatial integration effect on the velocity spectrum: Consequences in the wind or tidal turbine power spectrum Druault, P., Krawczynski, J. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Performance
An automatic parallel scheme to design an augmented hydrokinetic river turbine using a simulation-based optimization approach Dorella, J., Volpe, N., Storti, B. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Riverine Modeling Structural
Design and on-site implementation of an off-grid marine current powered hydrogen production system Liu, H., Ren, H., Gu, Y. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Field Data, Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hybrid Devices, Performance, Structural
Dynamical analysis of a novel hybrid oceanic tidal-wave energy converter system Silva, R., Nunes, M., Oliveira, F. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal, Ocean Current, Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance
Modelling of oscillating foil propulsors in waves Lopes, D., Vaz, G., Falcao de Campos, J. Journal Article Current, Oscillating Hydrofoil Modeling Hydrodynamics
Model-scale experiments of passive pitch control for tidal turbines Gambuzza, S., Pisetta, G., Davey, T. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Lab Data Hydrodynamics
Contribution to the study of electromagnetic gears for renewable energy applications Diab, H. Thesis Current, Tidal, Wave Power Take Off, Substructure
Numerical simulation of fluid dynamic performance of turbulent flow over Hunter turbine with variable angle of blades Nazarieh, M., Kariman, H., Hoseinzadeh, S. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
A trade off study of metal and composite turbines using fluid structure interaction modeling Gunawan, B., Kim, D., Abdellatef, M. Presentation Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Materials, Performance
A Review of Offshore Renewable Energy in South America: Current Status and Future Perspectives Shadman, M., Roldan-Carvajal, M., Pierat, F. Journal Article Current, Wave, Salinity Gradient, OTEC Field Data Hybrid Devices
An Inequality Indicator for High-Resistance Connection Fault Diagnosis in Marine Current Turbine Jia, D., Wang, T., Amirat, Y. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Lab Data, Modeling
Backwater assessment for the energy conversion through hydrokinetic turbines in subcritical prismatic canals Cacciali, L., Battisti, L., Dell’Anna, S. Journal Article Current Modeling
Optimal sizing design and integrated cost-benefit assessment of stand-alone microgrid system with different energy storage employing chameleon swarm algorithm: A rural case in Northeast China Zhou, J., Xu, Z. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Grid Integration, Hybrid Devices, Structural
Parametric Structural Design of Vertical-Axis Tidal Turbine Arrays Clay, A. Thesis Current, Cross Flow Turbine Modeling Performance, Structural, Substructure
Feasibility Study for Renewable Energy Technologies in Alaska Offshore Waters: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Meadows, R., Cooperman, A., Koleva, M. Report Current, Tidal, Wave Field Data
Statistical Analysis on The Near-Wake Region of RANS Turbulence Closure Models for Vertical Axis Tidal Turbine Rahim, M., Abdul-Rahman, A., Rahman, A. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
Potential sites for the use of ocean energy in the Mexican Caribbean Chávez, V., Barcenas, J., Martínez, M. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current, Wave, OTEC
A review of energy extraction from wind and ocean: Technologies, merits, efficiencies, and cost Rehman, S., Alhems, L., Alam, M. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Ocean Current, Wave, Salinity Gradient, OTEC Performance
Subcomponent Validation of Composite Joints for the Marine Energy Advanced Materials Project Murdy, P., Hughes, S., Miller, D. Report Current, Wave Lab Data Materials
Tidal Energy and Coastal Models: Improved Turbine Simulation Gwenter, R. Thesis Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural, Substructure
Finite Element Analysis of Different Infill Patterns for 3D Printed Tidal Turbine Blade Galvez, G., Olivar, K., Tolentino, F. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Modeling Structural
Performance parameters of lift-based vertical axis hydrokinetic turbines - A review Reddy, K., Bhosale, A., Saini, R. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Performance, Structural
Numerical modelling, manufacture and structural testing of a full-scale 1 MW tidal turbine blade Finnegan, W., Jiang, Y., Meier, P. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Materials, Structural
Vortex-induced piezoelectric cantilever beam vibration for ocean wave energy harvesting via airflow from the orifice of oscillation water column chamber Du, X., Wang, Y., Chen, H. Journal Article Current, Vortex-Induced Vibration, Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Performance
Experimental investigation of the hydrodynamic damping of a vibrating hydrofoil in cavitating flow Zeng, Y., Yao, Z., Huang, B. Journal Article Current, Oscillating Hydrofoil Lab Data Hydrodynamics
The influence of material on the power performance of Savonius turbines in wind and water applications Shamsuddin, M., Kamaruddin, N., Mohamed-Kassim, Z. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Riverine Lab Data Materials, Performance
Increased efficiency of hydrokinetic turbines through the use of an obstacle on the channel bottom Espina-Valdes, R., Fernández-Álvarez, V., Gharib-Yosry, A. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Study on Critical Factors Affecting Tidal Current Energy Exploitation in the Guishan Channel Area of Zhoushan Ye, Z., Gu, W., Ji, Q. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling
Establishing confidence in predictions of fatigue loading for floating tidal turbines based on large-eddy simulations and unsteady blade element momentum Ouro, P., Mullings, H., Stallard, T. Report Current Modeling Hydrodynamics
Numerical Assessments of Tidal Stream and Wave Energy in Coastal Shelf Seas Guillou, N., Lavidas, G., Chapalain, G. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Simulation and study of maximum power point tracking for rim-driven tidal current energy power generation systems Ouyang, Y., Zhao, W., Wang, H. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Control
Effect of cavitation evolution on power characteristics of tidal current turbine Gao, Y., Liu, H., Guo, G. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Effective demand response and GANs for optimal constraint unit commitment in solar-tidal based microgrids Mobtahej, M., Esapour, K., Tajalli, S. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Grid Integration, Hybrid Devices, Performance
Role and Value of Tidal Stream Generation in the Future UK Energy System Pudjianto, D., Strbac, G. Report Current, Tidal Modeling
Numerical Study on a Cylinder Vibrator in the Hydrodynamics of a Wind–Wave Combined Power Generation System under Different Mass Ratios Sun, H., Wang, J., Lin, H. Journal Article Current, Vortex-Induced Vibration, Ocean Current Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance, Structural
Optimal Energy Storage System and Smart Switch Placement in Dynamic Microgrids with Applications to Marine Energy Integration Wu, X., Liu, J., Men, Y. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Grid Integration
Ocean Energy Market Investigation: A project of the Australian Ocean Energy Group Thornton, S., Ogg, A., Rissik, D. Report Current, Wave