Grasberger, J.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 11
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
High-dimensional control co-design of a wave energy converter with a novel pitch resonator power takeoff system Devin, M., Gaebele, D., Ströfer, C. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Control, Power Take Off
Control co-design and optimization of oscillating-surge wave energy converter Grasberger, J., Yang, L., Bacelli, G. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Control, Power Take Off
Advanced Features and Recent Developments in the WEC-Sim Open-Source Design Tool Leon, J., Grasberger, J., Forbush, D. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Power Take Off
Co-design of a wave energy converter for autonomous power Coe, R., Devin, M., Ströfer, C. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
New Developments and Capabilities Within WEC-Sim Tom, N., Ruehl, K., Keester, A. Conference Paper Wave Modeling
Review of TEAMER Awards for WEC-Sim Support Keester, A., Ogden, D., Husain, S. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Maximizing Wave Energy Converter Power Extraction by Utilizing a Variable Negative Stiffness Magnetic Spring Grasberger, J., Bird, J., Coe, R. Conference Paper Wave Performance, Power Take Off
Incorporating Empirical Nonlinear Efficiency Into Control Co-Optimization of a Real World Heaving Point Absorber Using WecOptTool Gaebele, D., Ströfer, C., Devin, M. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Field Data, Modeling Control
Co-design Investigation and Optimization of an Oscillating-Surge Wave Energy Converter Grasberger, J. Thesis Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Control, Power Take Off, Structural
Recent Developments in the WEC-Sim Open-Source Design Tool: Preprint Keester, A., Leon, J., Tom, N. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
New features of the WEC-Sim V5.0 Release Ruehl, K., Forbush, D., Ogden, D. Presentation Wave Modeling Power Take Off