Non-linear turbine selection for an OWC wave energy converter |
López, I., Carballo, R., Fouz, D. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Performance, Structural |
Mapping the Unresolved Tidal Resource in Estuaries |
Lewis, M., Khojasteh, D., Iglesias, G. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
A large-scale review of wave and tidal energy research over the last 20 years |
Khojasteh, D., Shamsipour, A., Huang L. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal, Wave |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural |
A methodology for cost-effective analysis of hydrokinetic energy projects |
Fouz, D., Carballo, R., López, I. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Performance characteristics and parameter analysis of a multi-DOF wave energy converter with hybrid power take-off systems |
Bao, X., Li, F., Sun, H. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Performance, Power Take Off |
A data-driven long-term metocean data forecasting approach for the design of marine renewable energy systems |
Penalba, M., Aizpurua, J., Martinez-Perurena, A. |
Journal Article |
Current, Wave |
Field Data, Modeling |
Performance |
A holistic methodology for hydrokinetic energy site selection |
Fouz, D., Carballo, R., López, I. |
Journal Article |
Current, Riverine |
Modeling |
Sea level rise will change estuarine tidal energy: A review |
Khojasteh, D., Lewis, M., Tavakoli, S. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Hydrodynamics |
Tidal stream energy potential in the Shannon Estuary |
Fouz, D., Carballo, R., López, I. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal, Riverine |
Modeling |
Sea level rise changes estuarine tidal stream energy |
Khojasteh, D., Chen, S., Felder, S. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Performance |
Compact floating wave energy converter arrays: Inter-device mooring connectivity and performance |
Howey, B., Collins, K., Hann, M. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Lab Data, Scale Device |
Array Effects, Mooring, Performance |
Hydrokinetic energy production in shallow estuaries: Miño Estuary, NW Spain |
Fouz, D., Carballo, R., López, I. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Bragg reflection by a floating breakwater-WEC system |
Zhao, X., Geng, J., Göteman, M. |
Conference Paper |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Mooring, Performance |
A new index for assessing the exploitability of wave energy |
Martinez, A., Iglesias, G. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Performance, Power Take Off |
Wave power extraction from a piezoelectric wave energy converter integrated in a pile-supported breakwater |
Zheng, S., Meylan, M., Zhang, X. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Numerical simulations of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Substructure |
Galera-Calero, L., Blanco, J., Ocampo, R. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Test Center |
Hydrodynamics, Mooring |
Parametric study and optimization of a two-body wave energy converter |
Bao, X., Xiao, W., Li, S. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling, Test Center, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Materials, Mooring, Performance, Structural, Substructure |
Combining methodologies on the impact of inter and intra-annual variation of wave energy on selection of suitable location and technology |
Kamranzad, B., Lin, P., Iglesias, G. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Performance of a plate-wave energy converter integrated in a floating breakwater |
Zheng, S., Meylan, M., Zhang, X. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Attenuator |
Modeling |
Performance, Structural |
Nonlinear hydrodynamic modeling of an offshore stationary multi-oscillating water column platform |
Zhou, Y., Ning, D., Chen, L. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics |
The power flow and the wave energy flux at an operational wave farm: Findings from Mutriku, Bay of Biscay |
Ibarra-Berastegi, G., Ulazia, A., Sáenz, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Field Data, Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Physical Modelling of the Effect on the Wave Field of the WaveCat Wave Energy Converter |
Allen, J., Iglesias, G., Greaves, D. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Power capture performance of hybrid wave farms combining different wave energy conversion technologies: The H-factor |
Zheng, S., Zhang, Y., Iglesias, G. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hybrid Devices, Performance |
Concept and performance of a novel wave energy converter: Variable Aperture Point-Absorber (VAPA) |
Zheng, S., Zhang, Y., Iglesias, G. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Performance, Power Take Off |
Hydrodynamic performance of a multi-Oscillating Water Column (OWC) platform |
Zheng, S., Antonini, A., Zhang, Y. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Wave power extraction from a tubular structure integrated oscillating water column |
Zheng, S., Zhu, G., Simmonds, D. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Structural |
Intra-annual variability in the performance of an oscillating water column wave energy converter |
López, I., Carballo, R., Iglesias, G. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Field Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Performance |
The influence of dredging for locating a tidal stream energy farm |
Álvarez, M., Ramos, V., Carballo, R. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Sensitivity of OWC performance to air compressibility |
López, I., Carballo, R., Taveira-Pinto, F. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Wave power extraction by a submerged piezoelectric plate |
Zheng, S., Greaves, D., Meylan, M. |
Book Chapter |
Wave, Attenuator |
Modeling |
Performance, Structural |
Wave scattering by a floating porous elastic plate of arbitrary shape: A semi-analytical study |
Zheng, S., Meylan, M., Fan, L. |
Journal Article |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Structural, Substructure |
Hydrokinetic energy exploitation under combined river and tidal flow |
Fouz, D., Carballo, R., Ramos, V. |
Journal Article |
Current, Riverine, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Wave power extraction from multiple oscillating water columns along a straight coast |
Zheng, S., Antonini, A., Zhang, Y. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Monopile-mounted wave energy converter for a hybrid wind-wave system |
Pérez-Collazo, C., Pemberton, R., Greaves, D. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Power extraction in regular and random waves from an OWC in hybrid wind-wave energy systems |
Michele, S., Renzi, E., Pérez-Collazo, C. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics |
Site-specific wave energy conversion performance of an oscillating water column device |
López, I., Carballo, R., Iglesias, G. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Field Data, Lab Data, Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
A numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of side walls on hydrodynamic model testing in a wave flume |
Xie, N., Hann, M., Pemberton, R. |
Journal Article |
Modeling, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics |
Hydrodynamic performance of a pile-supported OWC breakwater: An analytical study |
He, F., Zhang, H., Zhao, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off |
Coast/breakwater-integrated OWC: A theoretical model |
Zheng, S., Zhang, Y., Iglesias, G. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Modeling |
Performance, Structural |
Wave energy converter geometry for coastal flooding mitigation |
Bergillos, R., Rodriguez-Delgado, C., Allen, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Overtopping |
Lab Data, Scale Device |
Array Effects |
Dual wave farms for energy production and coastal protection under sea level rise |
Rodriguez-Delgado, C., Bergillos, R., Iglesias, G. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Overtopping |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics |
Wave farm planning through high-resolution resource and performance characterization |
Carballo, R., Arean, N., Álvarez, M. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Performance |
Wave energy converter configuration in dual wave farms |
Bergillos, R., Rodriguez-Delgado, C., Allen, J. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Overtopping |
Lab Data, Modeling |
Array Effects |
Dual wave farms and coastline dynamics: The role of inter-device spacing |
Rodriguez-Delgado, C., Bergillos, R., Iglesias, G. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Array Effects |
Wave energy status in Asia |
Khojasteh, D., Mousavi, S., Glamore, W. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Wave–structure interaction in hybrid wave farms |
Zheng, S., Zhang, Y., Iglesias, G. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Array Effects |
Co-located wave-wind farms for improved O&M efficiency |
Astariz, S., Vazquez, A., Sanchez, M. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Field Data, Modeling |
Hybrid Devices |
Hydrodynamic response of the WEC sub-system of a novel hybrid wind-wave energy converter |
Pérez-Collazo, C., Greaves, D., Iglesias, G. |
Journal Article |
Oscillating Water Column |
Lab Data, Scale Device |
Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics |
The Marine Resource |
Iglesias, G. |
Book Chapter |
Current, Wave |
The Economics of Wave and Tidal Energy |
Iglesias, G., Astariz, S., Vazquez, A. |
Book Chapter |
Current, Wave |