McEntee, J.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 15
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Performance of crossflow turbines with varying blade materials and unsupported blade span Marone, N., Barrington, M., Gunawan, B. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Materials, Performance
Performance of cross-flow turbines with varying blade materials and unsupported blade span Marone, N., Barrington, M., Gunawan, B. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Tidal, Ocean Current, Riverine Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Materials, Performance, Structural
Performance of cross-flow turbines for varying blade materials and unsupported blade span length Marone, N., Wosnik, M., Barrington, M. Presentation Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Cross Flow Turbine Modeling Structural
Effects of surface roughness on performance of a helical cross-flow turbine made with electron beam melting (EBM) 3D-printed titanium blades Marone, N., Wosnik, M., Barrington, M. Presentation Current, Cross Flow Turbine Lab Data Materials, Performance
Design of High-deflection Foils for Marine Hydrokinetic Applications McEntee, J., Wosnik, M., Gunawan, B. Report Current, Cross Flow Turbine Lab Data, Modeling, Full Scale, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Materials, Performance, Substructure
A viscous vortex lattice method for analysis of cross-flow propellers and turbines Epps, B., Roesler, B., Medvitz, R. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Externally Bonded FBG Strain Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring of Marine Hydrokinetic Structures Shuster, M., Fritz, N., McEntee, J. Conference Paper Lab Data, Test Center Materials, Structural
Multi-mode evaluation of power-maximizing cross-flow turbine controllers Forbush, D., Cavagnaro, R., Donegan, J. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Field Data, Modeling, Full Scale, Scale Device Control, Performance
Cross Flow Turbine Controller Trade-offs in Optimizing LCOE Donegan, J., Feinberg, M., McEntee, J. Conference Paper Cross Flow Turbine, Tidal Control
Performance characterization of a cross-flow hydrokinetic turbine in sheared inflow Forbrush, D., Polagye, B., Thomson, J. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Field Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
Electrical power conversion of river and tidal power generator Muljadi, E., Gevorgian, V., Wright, A. Conference Paper Current, Tidal
Power Generation for River and Tidal Generators Muljadi, E., Wright, A., Gevorgian, V. Report Current, Riverine, Tidal
Advanced Energy Harvesting Control Schemes for Marine Renewable Energy Devices McEntee, J., Polagye, B., Fabien, B. Report Current, Tidal, Riverine Field Data, Lab Data Control
Emulation of a Hydrokinetic Turbine to Assess Control and Grid Integration Cavagnaro, R., Polagye, B., Thomson, J. Conference Paper Current, Cross Flow Turbine Field Data, Modeling Grid Integration, Performance
Characterization and control of cross-flow turbines in shear flow Forbush, D., Polagye, B., Thomson, J. Conference Paper Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Riverine Field Data Control, Hydrodynamics