Unsteady Loading on a Tidal Turbine Due to the Turbulent Wake of an Upstream Turbine Interacting with a Seabed Ridge |
Hurubi, S., Mullings, H., Ouro, P. |
Journal Article |
Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Efficient prediction of tidal turbine fatigue loading using turbulent onset flow from Large Eddy Simulations |
Mullings, H., Amos, L., Miller, C. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Wake characteristics behind a tidal turbine with surface waves in turbulent flow analyzed with large-eddy simulation |
Ouro, P., Mullings, H., Christou, A. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics |
Evaluation of Model Predictions of the Unsteady Tidal Stream Resource and Turbine Fatigue Loads Relative to Multi-Point Flow Measurements at Raz Blanchard |
Mullings, H., Draycott, S., Thiébot, J. |
Journal Article |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Large-eddy simulations of interaction between surface waves and a tidal turbine wake in a turbulent channel |
Stallard, T., Mullings, H., Draycott, S. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Project: Stage I - Steady Flow Experiments |
Harvey, S., Chen, X., Rowe, D. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Lab Data |
Hydrodynamics |
High-fidelity modelling of a six-turbine tidal array in the Shetlands |
Ouro, P., Stansby, P., Macloed, A. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Hydrodynamics |
Turbine fatigue load prediction from field measurements of waves and turbulence |
Mullings, H., Stallard, T., Draycott, S. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Field Data, Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Characterisation of turbulent flow and the wake of a tidal stream turbine in proximity to a ridge |
Hurubi, S., Stallard, T., Stansby, P. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Project: Stage I – Steady Flow Blind Predictions |
Wilden, R., Chen, S., Harvey, S. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Lab Data |
Performance |
Establishing confidence in predictions of fatigue loading for floating tidal turbines based on large-eddy simulations and unsteady blade element momentum |
Ouro, P., Mullings, H., Stallard, T. |
Report |
Current |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Analysis of tidal turbine blade loading due to blade scale flow |
Mullings, H., Stallard, T. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Impact of spatially varying flow conditions on the prediction of fatigue loads of a tidal turbine |
Mullings, H., Stallard, T. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Performance |
Assessment of Dependency of Unsteady Onset Flow and Resultant Tidal Turbine Fatigue Loads on Measurement Position at a Tidal Site |
Mullings, H., Stallard, T. |
Journal Article |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal |
Field Data, Modeling, Test Center |
Hydrodynamics |
Unsteady loading in a tidal array due to simulated turbulent onset flow |
Mullings, H., Stallard, T. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Array Effects |
Operational Loads on a Tidal Turbine due to Environmental Conditions |
Mullings, H., Stallard, T., Payne, G. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Lab Data, Modeling |