Ren, Y.
Ren, Y.
Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents
Total results: 3
Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Type of Content | Technology | Collection Method | Engineering |
Wave energy converter array layout optimization: A critical and comprehensive overview | Yang, B., Wu, S., Zhang, H. | Journal Article | Wave | Modeling | Array Effects, Control, Hydrodynamics | |
Hashin Failure Theory Based Damage Assessment Methodology of Composite Tidal Turbine Blades and Implications for the Blade Design | Yu, G., Ren, Y., Zhang, T. | Journal Article | Current, Tidal | Modeling | Materials, Structural | |
Design and hydrodynamic analysis of horizontal axis tidal stream turbines with winglets | Ren, Y., Liu, B., Zhang, T. | Journal Article | Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Tidal | Lab Data, Modeling | Performance |