Sentchev, A.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 11
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Turbulence characterization at tidal-stream energy site in Alderney Race Sentchev, A., Thiébaut, M., Guillou, S. Book Chapter Current, Tidal Field Data Hydrodynamics
Underway velocity measurements in the Alderney Race: towards a three-dimensional representation of tidal motions Sentchev, A., Nguyen, T., Furgerot, L. Journal Article Current, Tidal Field Data
Surface currents in the Alderney Race from high-frequency radar measurements and three-dimensional modelling Lopez, G., Bennis, A., Barbin, Y. Journal Article Current, Tidal Field Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
One year of measurements in Alderney Race: preliminary results from database analysis Furgerot, L., Sentchev, A., du Bois, P. Journal Article Current, Tidal Field Data Hydrodynamics
Impact of turbulence on power production by a free-stream tidal turbine in real sea conditions Sentchev, A., Thiébaut, M., Schmitt, F. Journal Article Current, Tidal Hydrodynamics, Performance
Merging velocity measurements and modeling to improve understanding of tidal stream resource in Alderney Race Thiébaut, M., Sentchev, A., du Bois, P. Journal Article Current, Tidal Field Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
Asymmetry of tidal currents off the W.Brittany coast and assessment of tidal energy resource around the Ushant Island Thiébaut, M., Sentchev, A. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling
Asymmetry of tidal currents off the West Brittany coast and assessment of tidal energy resource around the Ushant Island Thiébaut, M., Sentchev, A. Journal Article Current, Tidal Field Data, Modeling Performance
Tidal stream resource assessment in the Dover Strait (eastern English Channel) Thiébaut, M., Sentchev, A. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Performance
Monitoring tidal currents with a towed ADCP system Sentchev, A., Yaremchuk, M. Journal Article Current, Tidal Field Data
Estimation of tidal stream potential in the Iroise Sea from velocity observations by High Frequency radars Thiébaut, M., Sentchev, A. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Field Data