Shared mooring system designs and cost estimates for wave energy arrays |
Housner, S., Hall, M., Tran, T. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Array Effects, Mooring |
APL-UW Field-Scale Axial Flow Turbine: Design and Specifications |
Bassett, C., Burnett, J., Van Ness, K. |
Report |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Field Data, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural |
Development of an Optimal Variable-Pitch Controller for Floating Axial-Flow Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines |
Sundarrajan, A., Tran, T., Wiley, W. |
Conference Paper |
High- and Mid-Fidelity Modeling Comparison for a Floating Marine Turbine System |
Tran, T., Ross, H., Wiley, W. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
A Study of Wake Characteristics of Marine Turbine Arrays |
Tran, T., Craig, J., Ross, H. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Modeling |
Array Effects |
Design and Modeling of an Open-Source Baseline Floating Marine Turbine |
Wiley, W., Ross, H., Sundarrajan, A. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Modeling |
Performance, Structural |
Development of an Unmanned Mobile Current Turbine Platform |
Dhanak, M., Beaujean, P., Frankenfield, J. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Field Data, Scale Device |
Power Take Off, Substructure |
Review of TEAMER Awards for WEC-Sim Support |
Keester, A., Ogden, D., Husain, S. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off |
Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Project: Stage I – Steady Flow Blind Predictions |
Wilden, R., Chen, S., Harvey, S. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Axial Flow Turbine |
Lab Data |
Performance |
A Novel Zero-Discharge Supercritical Water-Based Wave Energy Desalination System |
Filho, F., Glosson, G., McMorris, J. |
Conference Paper |
Wave |
Modeling, Scale Device |
Power Take Off |
A Preliminary Study of Different Wave Energy Converter Architypes Utilized for Power Blue Economy Applications |
McNally, J., Baca, E., Tran, T. |
Presentation |
Wave |
Modeling, Scale Device |
Performance |
OpenFAST for Marine Turbines: Development of an Open-Source Modeling Tool |
Ross, H., Tran, T., Platt, A. |
Presentation |
Current |
Modeling |
Development of a Control Co-Design Modeling Tool for Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines |
Ross, H., Hall, M., Herber, D. |
Conference Paper |
Current, Tidal |
Modeling |
Control, Structural |
Numerical simulation of parametric resonance in point absorbers using a simplified model |
Kurniawan, A., Tran, T., Brown, S. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Ocean Energy Systems Wave Energy Modeling Task 10.4: Numerical Modeling of a Fixed Oscillating Water Column |
Bingham, H., Yu, Y., Nielsen, K. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Oscillating Water Column |
Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device |
Hydrodynamics, Performance |
Validation of simulated wave energy converter responses to focused waves |
Rij, J., Yu, Y., Tran, T. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Modeling |
Hydrodynamics |
Influence of Time and Frequency Domain Wave Forcing on the Power Estimation of a Wave Energy Converter Array |
Rollano, F., Tran, T., Yu, Y. |
Journal Article |
Wave |
Performance |
Predicting the Dynamic Characteristics of a Fully Submerged Wave Energy Converter Subjected to a Power Take-Off Failure using a High-Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics Model |
Tran, T., Krueger, A, Gunawan, B. |
Conference Paper |
Wave, Point Absorber |
Modeling |
Mooring, Power Take Off |
System scaling approach and thermoeconomic analysis of a pressure retarded osmosis system for power production with hypersaline draw solution: A Great Salt Lake case study |
Tran, T., Park, K., Smith, A. |
Journal Article |
Salinity Gradient |