Vidal, C.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 10
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
A global analysis of the operation and maintenance role on the placing of wave energy farms Guanche, R., de Andres, A., Losada, I. Journal Article Wave
Adaptability of a generic wave energy converter to different climate conditions de Andres, A., Guanche, R., Vidal, C. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
Uncertainty analysis of wave energy farms financial indicators Guanche, R., de Andres, A., Simal, P. Journal Article Wave Modeling
Factors that influence array layout on wave energy farms de Andres, A., Guanche, R., Meneses, L. Journal Article Wave Modeling Array Effects
Time-domain modeling of a fixed detached oscillating water column towards a floating multi-chamber device Iturrioz, A., Guanche, R., Armesto, J. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Numerical analysis and performance optimization of a submerged wave energy point absorber Guanche, R., Gomes, V., Vidal, C. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Performance
Anchoring systems for marine renewable energies offshore platforms Rodriguez, R., Gorrochategui, I., Vidal, C. Conference Paper Current, Wave Mooring
A new methodology to evaluate wave energy resources in intermediate depths. Application to the Asturias coast (North Spain) Camus, P., Vidal, C., Méndez, F. Conference Paper Wave Field Data, Modeling
A methodology to evaluate wave energy resources in shallow waters Camus, P., Vidal, C., Méndez, F. Conference Paper Wave Field Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
Impact of Santoña WEC installation on the littoral processes Vidal, C., Méndez, F., Díaz, G. Conference Paper Wave Field Data, Modeling