Wan, L.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 8
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
A review on the technical development of combined wind and wave energy conversion systems Wan, L., Moan, T., Gao, Z. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices
WEC shape effect on the motion response and power performance of a combined wind-wave energy converter Wang, Y., Shi, W., Michailides, C. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Structural
Hydrodynamic Response of a Combined Wind–Wave Marine Energy Structure Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Michaelides, C. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics
A combined wind and wave energy-converter concept in survival mode: Numerical and experimental study in regular waves with a focus on water entry and exit Wan, L., Greco, M., Lugni, C. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Experimental and numerical comparisons of hydrodynamic responses for a combined wind and wave energy converter concept under operational conditions Wan, L., Gao, Z., Moan, T. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Comparative numerical and experimental study of two combined wind and wave energy concepts Gao, Z., Moan, T., Wan, L. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling, Scale Device Hybrid Devices, Power Take Off
Comparative experimental study of the survivability of a combined wind and wave energy converter in two testing facilities Wan, L., Gao, Z., Moan, T. Journal Article Wave Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hybrid Devices
Experimental and numerical study of hydrodynamic responses of a combined wind and wave energy converter concept in survival modes Wan, L., Gao, Z., Moan, T. Journal Article Wave Lab Data, Scale Device Hybrid Devices