Oregon State University (OSU)

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 157
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Understanding the uncertainty in the technical performance level assessment for wave energy Trueworthy, A., Roach, A., DuPont, B. Journal Article Wave Performance
Impact of Biofouling on Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter Performance and Control Skrovanek, D., Brekken, T. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control, Performance
Wave energy converter arrays: A methodology to assess performance considering the disturbed wave field Zou, S., Robertson, B., Roach, A. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Performance
A unified simulation framework for wave energy powered underwater vehicle docking and charging Chen, M., Vivekanandan, R., Rusch, C. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Dynamic Mooring Field Experiment and Design of a Wave Energy Converter Platform Test System Lou, J., Yim, S., Jouanne, A. Journal Article Wave Field Data Mooring
Modeling of Wave Energy Converter via Instantaneous Frequency Kim, I. Thesis Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control, Performance, Power Take Off
Autonomous Underwater Docking and Recharging Vivekanandan, R., Hollinger, G. Conference Paper Wave Field Data, Modeling
Parametric Study of Umbilical Cable and Mooring Line Dynamics With Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Varying Sea Conditions Kim, B., Adami, N., Chen, M. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Mooring
Numerical and Experimental Characterization of Rotational Floating Body Drag Robertson, B. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Upsampling wave temporal resolution: Investigating wave parameters and the influence on WEC power performance Mankle, H., Robertson, B., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Performance
Experimental passive and reactive control of a Laboratory Scale WEC Point Absorber Bosma, B., Beringer, C., Robertson, B. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Control, Grid Integration, Power Take Off
An Early Design Phase Method for Characterizing and Comparing Wave Energy Converter Archetypes Roach, A., Meek, M., Ali, R. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Materials, Substructure
Informing Early Design Decisions Through Functional Analysis of Maintenance Drivers Algarra, N., Dong, A. Conference Paper Wave Modeling
A Removable elevated-hinge wave generator for testing marine energy devices Lomonaco, P., Robertson, B., Rea, I. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data Hydrodynamics, Performance
Impact of Resource Uncertainties on the Design of Wave Energy Converters Penalba, M., Zarketa-Astigarraga, A., Branson, P. Conference Paper Wave Modeling
Control co-design and uncertainty analysis of the LUPA’s PTO using WecOptTool Ströfer, C., Coe, R., Gaebele, D. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Control, Performance, Power Take Off
Degrees of Freedom Effects on a Laboratory Scale WEC Point Absorber Beringer, C., Bosma, B., Robertson, B. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data Mooring
Temporal upsampling of wave parameters and impact on time-domain floating body response and wave power Mankle, H., Branson, P., DuPont, B. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
Open-Source Steady-State Models for Integration of Wave Energy Converter into Microgrids Barajas-Ritchie, A., Jackson, D., Cotilla-Sanchez, E. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Grid Integration
Geospatial Analysis of Technical U.S. Wave Net Power Potential Zou, S., Robertson, B., Paudel, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling Performance
Hydrodynamic Modeling of Submerged Wave Energy Converters: Power Take-Off Mooring Configuration Effect on Power Performance Meek, M. Thesis Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Autonomous Underwater Docking using Flow State Estimation and Model Predictive Control Vivekanandan, R., Chang, D., Hollinger, G. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Control, Performance
Practical power absorption assessment limits for generic wave energy converters Zou, S., Robertson, B., Yim, S. Journal Article Wave Modeling, Test Center Performance
Bayesian Actor-Critic Wave Energy Converter Control With Modeling Errors Zadeh, L., Haider, A., Brekken, T. Journal Article Wave Modeling Control
A Self-Tuning WEC Controller for Changing Sea States Forbush, D., Bacelli, G., Spencer, S. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling Control, Performance
Mini-DAQ: A lightweight, low-cost, high resolution, data acquisition system for wave energy converter testing Bosma, B., Coe, R., Bacelli, G. Journal Article Wave
A Framework for Wave-to-Wire Simulation of Wave Energy Converters for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Recharging Chen, M., Vivekanandan, R., Rusch, C. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
A Framework for Wave-to-Wire Simulation of Wave Energy Converter for Autonomy Underwater Vehicle Recharging Chen, M., Vivekanandan, R., Rusch, C. Presentation Wave Modeling Performance
Multi-Physics Modeling of Ocean Wave Energy Converters Kim, I., Brekken, T., Yim, S. Presentation Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics
Power Quality and Flicker of a Grid-Connected Wave Energy Converter via Hybrid Simulation Boller, M., Brekken, T., Cotilla-Sanchez, E. Presentation Wave Lab Data, Modeling Grid Integration, Power Take Off
Mini-DAQ: A lightweight, low-cost, high resolution, data acquisition system for wave energy converter testing [Presentation] Bosma, B., Coe, R., Bacelli, G. Presentation Wave Lab Data Control, Hydrodynamics
Chaotic Behavior of a Pendulum WEC in Irregular Seas Brekken, T., Dizon, C., Cotilla-Sanchez, E. Presentation Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Performance
Performance Assessment of Large-Scale WECs Array with the Consideration of Disturbed Wave Field Robertson, B., Zou, S., Mundon, T. Presentation Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Array Effects, Performance
On the Development of a Harmonic Balance Model for Wave Energy Converter Arrays Penalba, M., Zou, S., Peña-Sanchez, Y. Presentation Wave Modeling Array Effects
Flow State Estimation and Optimal Control for Autonomous Underwater Docking Vivekanandan, R., Chang, D., Hollinger, G. Presentation Wave, Attenuator Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics
Submerged Wave Energy Converters: Subsurface wave energy resources and review of device archetypes Roach, A., Meek, M., Robertson, B. Presentation Wave Modeling Performance
WEC-UUV: successes and lessons learned from sea trials Rusch, C., Chen, M., Hammagren, E. Presentation Wave, Attenuator Field Data Performance
Integration and Demonstration of Marine Energy Models with Microgrid Software Barajas-Ritchie, A., Jackson, D., Cotilla-Sanchez, E. Presentation Current, Wave Modeling Performance, Power Take Off
Geospatial Analysis of Technical U.S. Wave Power Potential Robertson, B., Zou, S., Paudel, S. Presentation Wave Modeling
Design and Modeling of the Laboratory Upgrade Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter Beringer, C., Robertson, B., Bosma, B. Presentation Wave, Point Absorber Modeling, Scale Device Performance, Structural
Resource Assessment Upsampling Mankle, H., DuPont, B., Robertson, B. Presentation Wave Modeling
Performance Analysis of a Utility-Scale Wave Energy Converter May-Varas, N. Thesis Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Mooring, Performance, Power Take Off
Wave Resource Assessments: Spatiotemporal Impacts of WEC Size and Wave Spectra on Power Conversion Dunkle, G., Zou, S., Robertson, B. Journal Article Wave Field Data, Modeling, Full Scale Performance
Energy Content Characterization of Water Waves Using Linear and Nonlinear Spectral Analysis Mohtat, A., Yim, S., Osborne, A. Journal Article Wave Lab Data, Modeling
Lab Upgrade Point Absorber (LUPA) Tank Testing Videos Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC), Oregon State University (OSU) Video Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data
Application of real-time nonlinear model predictive control for wave energy conversion Haider, A., Brekken, T., McCall, A. Journal Article Wave Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Impact of tidal currents and model fidelity on wave energy resource assessments Beya, I., Buckham, B., Robertson, B. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Timing value of marine renewable energy resources for potential grid applications Bhattacharya, S., Pennock, S., Robertson, B. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Grid Integration
A conceptual design tool for high-performance wave energy converters for Blue Economy applications Roach, A., Trueworthy, A., DuPont, B. Conference Paper Wave Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance
Wave Resource Spatial and Temporal Variability Dependence on WEC Size Robertson, B., Dunkle, G., Mundon, T. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Grid Integration, Performance