State University of New York

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 7
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Construction of cellulose 3D network composite membrane supported by hydroxylated boron nitride with high surface charge density to achieve high-efficiency osmotic energy harvesting Zhang, R., Wang, Z., Zhao, R. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Modeling Materials, Performance
Blockage and submersion depth effects on horizontal-axis tidal turbine (HATT) in a shear flow environment with wave–current interaction Rotor, M., Magno, I., Boiser, C. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Shape Optimization of a Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbine (HATT) Blade Using Neural Networks for Response Surface Methodology Rotor, M., Hefazi, H. Conference Paper Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Large-eddy simulation of a hydrokinetic turbine mounted on an erodible bed Yang, X., Knosronejad, A., Sotiropoulos, F. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
Wake characteristics of a TriFrame of axial-flow hydrokinetic turbines Chawdhary, S., Hill, C., Yang, X. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
On the dynamics and design of a two-body wave energy converter Liang, C., Zuo, L. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Power Take Off, Structural
Dynamics and control of ocean wave energy converters Xie, J. , Zou, L. Journal Article Wave Control