University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 15
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Test Reference Year for wave energy studies: Generation and validation Memmola, F., Contestabile, P., Falco, P. Journal Article Wave Modeling
A NEW SEAWATER LOW-HEAD TURBINE FOR THE OBREC Contestabile, P., Rubino, L., Crispino, G. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Lab Data Power Take Off
Operating and Extreme weather conditions for testing Offshore Devices at Marine Renewable Energy Lab (MaRELab) Contestabile, P., Russo, S., Azzellino, A. Conference Paper Wave Test Center Hydrodynamics, Performance
A Novel Hybrid Floating Breakwater- Wave Energy Converter Device: Preliminary Experimental Investigations Russo, S., Lugni, C., Contestabile, P. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance
Design strategies and life cycle assessment for the improvement of economic and environmental sustainability of OBREC Colaleo, G., Contestabile, P., Azzellino, A. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Lab Data, Modeling, Test Center Performance, Structural
Overtopping Breakwater for wave Energy Conversion: review of state of art, recent advancements and what lies ahead Contestabile, P., Crispino, G., Di Lauro, E. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling, Full Scale Performance, Power Take Off
Reducing variability in the cost of energy of ocean energy arrays Topper, M., Nava, V., Collin, A. Journal Article Current, Wave Modeling Array Effects
Italian wave energy: state of the art and challenges of exiting full scale pilots Contestabile, P., Mattiazzo, G., Romolo, A. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping, Oscillating Water Column, Attenuator Field Data Performance, Power Take Off
Empirical overtopping volume statistics at an OBREC Iuppa, C., Cavallaro, L., Musumeci, R. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Lab Data Performance, Structural
Review of Innovative Harbor Breakwaters for Wave-Energy Conversion Vicinanza, D., Di Lauro, E., Contestabile, P. Journal Article Wave
Stability analysis of a non-conventional breakwater for wave energy conversion Lauro, E., Lara, J., Maza, M. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance
A loading model for an OWC caisson based upon large-scale measurements Pawitan, K., Dimakopoulos, A., Vicinanza, D. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Scale Device
Numerical Simulations of the Hydraulic Performance of a Breakwater-Integrated Overtopping Wave Energy Converter Palma, G., Formentin, S., Zanuttigh, B. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Coastal Defence Integrating Wave-Energy-Based Desalination: A Case Study in Madagascar Contestabile, P., Vicinanza, D. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Salinity Gradient Field Data, Full Scale Performance
Wave loadings acting on innovative rubble mound breakwater for overtopping wave energy conversion Contestabile, P., Iuppa, C., Di Lauro, E. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Lab Data, Scale Device Performance