University of Guelph

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 13
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
A novel spiral wound module design for harvesting salinity gradient energy using pressure retarded osmosis Abdelkader, B., Navas, D., Sharqawy, M. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Modeling
Challenges Facing Pressure Retarded Osmosis Commercialization: A Short Review Abdelkader, B., Sharqawy, M. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Field Data, Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Rational design of high power density “Blue Energy Harvester” pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) membranes using artificial intelligence-based modeling and optimization Rath, R., Dutta, D., Kamesh, R. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Modeling Performance
Temperature effects on salinity gradient energy harvesting and utilized membrane properties – Experimental and numerical investigation Abdelkader, B., Sharqawy, M. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Lab Data, Modeling Performance
Big Data Application for Security of Renewable Energy Resources Rouzbahani, H., Karimipour, H., Srivastava, G. Book Chapter Grid Integration
Previous hydraulic studies of Archimedes screw power generators (ASGs) have been mostly at laboratory scale. The validity of scaling up models based on these studies for application in field-scale ASGs has been a major research gap. This study developed a Kozyn, A., Songin, K., Gharabagi, B. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling
Experimental Analysis of Archimedes Screw Turbines Songin, K. Thesis Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance
A power loss model for Archimedes screw generators Kozyn, A., Lubitz, W. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance
Optimal design and operation of Archimedes screw turbines using Bayesian optimization Lisicki, M., Lubitz, W., Taylor, G. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Performance
Power Loss Model for Archimedes Screw Turbines Kozyn, A. Thesis Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance
Lab Testing and Modeling of Archimedes Screw Turbines Lyons, M. Thesis Current, Archimedes Screw Field Data, Lab Data, Modeling
Performance Model of Archimedes Screw Hydro Turbines with Variable Fill Level Lubitz, W., Lyons, M., Simmons, S. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Performance
Archimedes Screws for Microhydro Power Generation Lyons, M., Lubitz, W. Conference Paper Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data Performance