University of Strathclyde

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 189
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Fault diagnosis of a wave energy converter gearbox based on an Adam optimized CNN-LSTM algorithm Kang, J., Zhu, X., Shen, L. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber
Optimal control of wave cycloidal rotors with passively morphing foils: An analytical and numerical study Arredondo-Galeana, A., Ermakov, A., Shi, W. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Hydrodynamic Characteristics Investigation of Multiple Floating Bodies under Phase Control Yu, S., Yuan, Z. Conference Paper Wave, Attenuator Modeling Control
Wave energy conversion by an array of oscillating water columns deployed along a long-flexible floating breakwater Cheng, Y., Du, W., Dai, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
Harnessing Hydrokinetic Energy for Enhanced Energy Resilience in the Arctic Communities of Canada Kirby, K., Fu, S., Ordonez-Sanchez, S. Presentation Current, Riverine Field Data
Assessment of the FES2014c model for tidal currents on the shelves around the North Atlantic Ocean Bolivar-Carbonell, M., Johnstone, C., Lewis, M. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
Numerical modelling of a 1.5 MW tidal turbine in realistic coupled wave–current sea states for the assessment of turbine hub-depth impacts on mechanical loads Guy, C., Hart, E., Vengatesan, V. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring in Wave Energy Converters: A Review Mortazavizadeh, S., Yazdanpanah, R., Gaona, D. Journal Article Wave
HAPiWEC: Towards a Rapid Prototyping Rig for Wave Energy Control Co-Design and Testing Price, A., Campos-Gaona, D., McCallum, P. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Power Take Off, Structural
HAPiGYM: Two Rapid Prototyping Environments for Wave Energy Control Price, A., Campos-Gaona, D., Davey, T. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data, Modeling Control, Structural
The performance of counter-rotating tidal turbine in different sea states Fu, S. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Understanding the force motion trade off of rigid and hinged floating platforms for marine renewables. Arredondo-Galeana, A., Dai, S., Chen, Y. Conference Paper Wave Lab Data Performance, Structural, Substructure
A probabilistic framework for fatigue damage of lift based wave energy converters Arredondo-Galeana, A., Lamont-Kane, P., Shi, W. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Performance
A CFD-FEM analysis for Anaconda WEC with mooring lines Huang, Y. , Xiao, Q., Idarraga, G. Conference Paper Wave, Attenuator Modeling Hydrodynamics
Investigating the impact of multi-rotor structure shadowing on tidal stream turbine performance Townley, B., Shi, W., Xiao, Q. Conference Paper Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
The Dynamic response of floating offshore renewable energy devices: Sensitivity to mooring rope stiffness Smith, K., Davey, T., Forehand, D. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Mooring
The development of a passive blade-pitch mechanism to reduce the loads on a tidal turbine in high-flow conditions Summers, T., Oterkus, S., Tabor, G. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Feasibility of integrating a very large floating structure with multiple wave energy converters combining oscillating water columns and oscillating flaps Cheng, Y., Song, F., Xi, C. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
Optimal Design and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid System Combining a Semi-Submersible Wind Platform and Point Absorbers Zhou, B., Hu, J., Zhang, Q. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance
Fast prediction of hydrodynamic load of floating horizontal axis tidal turbine with variable speed control under surging motion with free surface Chen, S., Wang, S., Huang, J. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Control, Hydrodynamics
Numerical investigations of a pivoted point absorber wave energy converter integrated with breakwater using CFD Yang, I., Tezdogan, T., Incecik, A. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics
Numerical study on dual oscillating wave surge converter with different cross-section shapes using SPH under regular waves Cui, J., Chen, X., Dai, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Performance, Structural
Hydrodynamic modelling of large arrays of modularized floating structures with independent oscillations Zhang, D., Yuan, Z., Du, J. Journal Article Wave Modeling Array Effects
Guest Editorial: Special Section on Advanced Numerical Methods and Applications in Marine Hydrodynamics Zang, J., Xiao, Q., Manuel, L. Journal Article Current, Wave Hydrodynamics, Performance
A Numerical Study on an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter with Hyper-Elastic Material Li, X., Xiao, Q. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics, Materials, Performance
Experimental and numerical analysis of a hybrid WEC-breakwater system combining an oscillating water column and an oscillating buoy Cheng, Y., Fu, L., Dai, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column, Attenuator Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance
A Comparison of Tidal Turbine Characteristics Obtained from Field and Laboratory Testing Schmitt, P., Fu, S., Benson, I. Journal Article Current, Tidal Field Data, Lab Data Performance
Coupled CFD-MBD numerical modeling of a mechanically coupled WEC array Li, X., Xiao, Q., Zhou, Y. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Array Effects, Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Principal Parameters Analysis of the Double-Elastic-Constrained Flapping Hydrofoil for Tidal Current Energy Extraction Zhou, J., Yan, W., Mei, L. Journal Article Current, Oscillating Hydrofoil, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics
Hydrodynamic characteristics of a hybrid oscillating water column-oscillating buoy wave energy converter integrated into a π-type floating breakwater Cheng, Y., Du, W., Dai, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance
A numerical performance analysis of a ducted, high-solidity tidal turbine in yawed flow conditions Borg, M., Xiao, Q., Allsop, S. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
Performance improvement of ocean thermal energy conversion organic Rankine cycle under temperature glide effect Zhang, J., Zhang, X., Zhang, Z. Journal Article OTEC Modeling Materials, Performance
Wave power extraction and coastal protection by a periodic array of oscillating buoys embedded in a breakwater Zhang, Y., Zhao, X., Geng, J. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping, Point Absorber, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data Hydrodynamics, Power Take Off
Modelling dynamic loadings of a tidal stream turbine in combined wave-current-turbulence environment Li, Q., Venugopal, V., Barltrop, N. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Wave energy extraction and hydroelastic response reduction of modular floating breakwaters as array wave energy converters integrated into a very large floating structure Cheng, Y., Xi, C., Dai, S. Journal Article Wave, Attenuator Modeling Hybrid Devices
Energy conversion and hydrodynamic analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom wave energy converters integrated into a semi-submersible platform Cheng, Y., Dai, S., Dai, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Lab Data, Modeling Hybrid Devices, Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off
OC6 Phase Ib: Validation of the CFD predictions of difference-frequency wave excitation on a FOWT semisubmersible Wang, L., Robertson, A., Jonkman, J. Journal Article Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Substructure
Effect of mooring line layout on the loads of ship-shaped offshore installations Mujeeb-Ahmed, M., Cabrera, J., Kim, H. Journal Article Mooring
Numerical Performance Model for Tensioned Mooring Tidal Turbine Operating in Combined Wave-Current Sea States Fu, S., Johnstone, C. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Mooring, Performance
Satellite data for the offshore renewable energy sector: Synergies and innovation opportunities Medina-Lopez, E., McMillan, D., Lazic, J. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave
A Parametric Cost Model for the Initial Techno-Economic Assessment of Lift-Force Based Wave Energy Converters Chozas, J., Tetu, A., Arredondo-Galeana, A. Conference Paper Wave Modeling
A methodology for the structural design of LiftWEC: A wave-bladed cyclorotor Arredondo-Galeana, A., Shi, W., Olbert, G. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Standardising Marine Renewable Energy Testing: Gap Analysis and Recommendations for Development of Standards Noble, D., O'Shea, M., Judge, F. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Control, Grid Integration, Materials, Mooring, Power Take Off
Dynamic response of a novel flexible wave energy converter under regular waves Li, X., Xiao, Q., Luo, Y. Conference Paper Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Tidal Stream and Ocean Current Energy- the benefits of harvesting lesser energetic flows Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Calvillo-Munoz, C., Marino-Tapia, I. Conference Paper Current, Tidal, Ocean Current Modeling Structural
MaRINET2- Round Robin Tests: Blade loading Martinez, R., Ordonez-Sanchez, S., Gaurier, B. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
Wake Effects on a Downstream Tidal Stream Turbine Ellis, R., Lloyd, C., Allmark, M. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling, Test Center Array Effects, Performance
Morphing Blades: Theory and Proof of Principles Viola, I., Pisetta, G., Dai, W. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Structural
Initial characterisation of swept tidal stream turbine blades Lavery, G., Johnstone, C. Conference Paper Current, Tidal Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural
CFD analysis of wave-current configurations in relation to the operation of tidal stream turbines Lloyd, C., Allmark, M., Ordonez, S. Conference Paper Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics