Wave Swell Energy

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 9
Title Author Date Sort descending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Wave Swell Energy Lessons Learnt: Report 1 Hunter, S. Report Wave, Oscillating Water Column Full Scale Grid Integration
Seafloor Site Characterization for a Remote Island OWC Device Near King Island, Tasmania, Australia Cossu, R., Heatherington, C., Penesis, I. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column
Wave Swell Energy Lessons Learnt: Report 2 Hunter, S. Report Wave, Oscillating Water Column Full Scale Mooring
Geotechnical Approach to Early-Stage Site Characterisation of Shallow Wave Energy Sites Heatherington, C., Grinham, A., Penesis, I. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Field Data, Modeling
Scour prediction around an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Lancaster, O., Cossu, R., Hunter, S. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Substructure
Wave energy cost projections: A report for Wave Swell Energy Limited Hayward, J. Report Wave, Oscillating Water Column
Wave Swell Energy Lessons Learnt: Report 3 Hunter, S. Report Wave, Oscillating Water Column Full Scale Structural
Dispatchability and energy storage costs for complementary wave, wind, and solar PV systems Osman, P., Hayward, J., Foster, J. Report Wave Modeling Grid Integration, Hybrid Devices
Wave energy generation and storage costs in Australia: an analysis for Wave Swell Energy Limited Osman, P., Hayward, J., Foster, J. Report Wave Modeling Grid Integration, Hybrid Devices