WavEC - Offshore Renewables

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 38
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
LAS ENERGÍAS DEL MAR EN LOS PAÍSES DE IBEROAMÉRICA: Políticas, capacidades, recurso e integración en sus redes Pastor, M., Cabrera, I., Mendoza, A. Report
What future for marine renewable energy in Portugal and Spain up to 2030? Forecasting plausible scenarios using general morphological analysis and clustering techniques Vieira, M., Macedo, A., Alvarenga, A. Journal Article Current, Wave, Salinity Gradient, OTEC Modeling
Ocean Energy and Net Zero: An International Roadmap to Develop 300GW of Ocean Energy by 2050 Gordon, F., Grattan, K., Jeffrey, H. Report Current, Tidal, Wave
Enhancing Islanded Power Systems: Microgrid Modeling and Evaluating System Benefits of Ocean Renewable Energy Integration Vicente, M., Imperadore, A., Correia da Fonseca, F. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Modeling Grid Integration
Modelling of oscillating foil propulsors in waves Lopes, D., Vaz, G., Falcao de Campos, J. Journal Article Current, Oscillating Hydrofoil Modeling Hydrodynamics
Early biofouling colonization stages: Implications for operation and maintenance planning in marine renewable energy projects Vinagre, P., Fonseca, G. Journal Article Field Data, Lab Data, Test Center
A European Ocean Energy Industry – the €140bn Economic Opportunity Jeffrey, H., Pennock, S., Villate, J. Report Current, Wave Modeling
A Decision Support Tool for Long-Term Planning of Marine Operations in Ocean Energy Projects Fonseca, F., Amaral, L., Chainho, P. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave
Hydrodynamic optimisation of an axisymmetric floating Oscillating Water Column type wave energy converter with an enlarged inner tube Gradowski, M., Gomes, R., Alves, M. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Performance
Marine Biofouling: A European Database for the Marine Renewable Energy Sector Vinagre, P., Simas, T., Cruz, E. Journal Article Materials
DTOceanPlus Deliverable D4.2: Stage Gate tool – Alpha version Hudson, B., Henderson, J., Hodges, J. Report Structural
DTOceanPlus Deliverable D6.3: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Survivability Assessment Tool – Alpha version Yang, Y., Nambiar, A., Luxcey, N. Report Performance
Non-isentropic study of a closed-circuit oscillating-water-column wave energy converter Benreguig, P., Vicente, M., Crowley, S. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Hydrodynamics
Advances in the development of dielectric elastomer generators for wave energy conversion Moretti, G., Herran, M., Forehand, D. Journal Article Wave, Pressure Differential, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Power Take Off
Ocean Energy Systems Wave Energy Modelling Task: Modelling, Verification and Validation of Wave Energy Converters Wendt, F., Nielsen, K., Yu, Y. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics, Performance
Techno-economic analysis of multipurpose OTEC power plants Barberis, S., Giugno, A., Sorzana, G. Journal Article OTEC Modeling Performance
Modelling Approaches of a Closed-Circuit OWC Wave Energy Converter Benreguig, P., Vicente, M., Dunne, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Structural
Chamber pressure skewness corrections using a passive relief valve system at the pico oscillating water column wave energy plant Monk, K., Winands, V. , Lopes, M. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Field Data, Modeling Performance
Assessing the Macro-Economic Benefit of Installing a Farm of Oscillating Water Columns in Scotland and Portugal Draycott, S., Szadkowska, I., Silva, M. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling
OES Task 10 WEC heaving sphere performance modelling verification Nielsen, K., Wendt, F., Yu, Y. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics
Market Study on Ocean Energy European Commission, WavEC Report Current, Wave Modeling
Electrical components for marine renewable energy arrays: a techno-economic review Collin, A., Nambiar, A., Bould, D. Journal Article Current Array Effects, Structural
Setting an agenda for biofouling research for the marine renewable energy industry Loxton, J., Macleod, A., Nall, C. Journal Article Current, Wave
International Energy Agency Ocean Energy Systems Task 10 Wave Energy Converter Modeling Verification and Validation Wendt, F., Yu, Y., Nielsen, K. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Hydrodynamics
Tank testing of an inherently phase-controlled wave energy converter Todalshaug, J., Ásgeirsson, G., Hjálmarsson, E. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Control, Mooring, Performance, Power Take Off
Frequency-Domain Models Alves, M. Book Chapter Wave Modeling
Modelling mooring line non-linearities (material and geometric effects) for a wave energy converter using AQWA, SIMA and Orcaflex Bhinder, M., Karimirad, M., Weller, S. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Mooring
The dynamics and power extraction of bottom-hinged plate wave energy converters in regular and irregular waves Gomes, R., Lopes, M., Henriques, J. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Modeling Performance
A methodology for the development of a numerical tool for the lifecycle logistics of ocean energy arrays Teillant, B., Chainho, P., Raventos, A. Conference Paper Current, Wave Modeling
SI-ocean strategic technology agenda for the ocean energy sector: From development to market Magagna, D., Tzimas, E., Hanmer, C. Conference Paper Current, Wave
Time-domain modeling of a fixed detached oscillating water column towards a floating multi-chamber device Iturrioz, A., Guanche, R., Armesto, J. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Wave energy resource assessment for a breakwater-integrated oscillating water column plant at Porto, Portugal Henriques, J., Cândido, J., Pontes, M. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Field Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
A methodology for equitable performance assessment and presentation of wave energy converters based on sea trials Kofoed, J., Pecher, A., Margheritini, L. Journal Article Current, Tidal, Wave Field Data Performance
Ocean Energy Technology: Gaps and Barriers MacGillivray, A., Jeffrey, H., Hanmer, C. Report Current, Tidal, Wave
On the annual wave energy absorption by two-body heaving WECs with latching control Henriques, J., Lopes, M., Gomes, R. Journal Article Wave, Point Absorber Modeling Control
Projected Deployment and Costs of Wave Energy in Europe Raventos, A., Sarmento, A., Neumann, F. Conference Paper Wave Modeling
Hydrodynamic Optimization of the Active surface of a Heaving Point Absorber WEC Alves, M., Sarmento, A. Conference Paper Wave, Point Absorber Modeling
Full-scale Data Assessment In OWC Pico Plant Brito-Melo, A., Neumann, F., Sarmento, A. Conference Paper Wave, Oscillating Water Column Test Center