Xi'an Jiaotong University

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 28
Title Author Date Sort ascending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Power prediction for salinity-gradient osmotic energy conversion based on multiscale and multidimensional convolutional neural network Wang, P., Liu, Y., Li, Y. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Modeling
Segmental-porosity regulation of nanochannel membranes with anomalously improved ion selectivity for enhanced osmotic power generation Zhang, X., Zhu, J., Qu, Z. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Modeling Performance, Substructure
Analysis and optimization of a deep-water in-situ power generation system based on novel ductless Archimedes screw hydrokinetic turbines Zhang, D., Guo, P., Qian, Y. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Modeling Hydrodynamics
Multi-objective optimization of a banki hydrokinetic turbine for deep-sea power supply: Experimental and numerical investigation Zhang, D., Guo, P., Wang, H. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine, Ocean Current Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance
Conceptual design and experimental study of a flexible oscillating hydrokinetic turbine Zhang, D., Chen, Y., Guo, P. Journal Article Current, Cross Flow Turbine Lab Data Hydrodynamics, Structural
Low-flow ocean current turbine diffuser shroud concentrated and accelerated flow technical research Wei, H., Su, W. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling Hydrodynamics
Hybrid solar photovoltaic and salinity-gradient based osmotic energy conversion system with synergistic performance enhancement Ren, Q., Hu, H., Zeng, Q. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Lab Data, Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance, Structural
Thermodynamic analysis and turbine design of a 100 kW OTEC-ORC with binary non-azeotropic working fluid Ma, Q., Gao, Z., Huang, J. Journal Article OTEC, Open-Cycle Modeling Materials, Performance, Structural
Thermodynamic performance of a radial-inflow turbine for ocean thermal energy conversion using ammonia Zhang, C., Wu, Z., Wang, J. Journal Article OTEC, Closed-Cycle Modeling Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural, Substructure
Parametric study and Multi-Objective optimization of a ductless Archimedes screw hydrokinetic Turbine: Experimental and numerical investigation Zhang, D., Guo, P., Hu, Q. Journal Article Current, Archimedes Screw Lab Data, Modeling Performance, Structural
Research on variable speed constant frequency energy generation based on deep learning for disordered ocean current energy Wei, H., Su, W., Shi, J. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling Control, Performance
Salinity-gradient power harvesting using osmotic energy conversion with designed interfacial nanostructures under thermal modulation Ren, Q., Cui, Q., Chen, K. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Lab Data Performance, Structural
Membrane-based indirect power generation technologies for harvesting salinity gradient energy - A review Jiao, Y., Song, L., Zhou, C. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis, Reverse Electrodialysis Hybrid Devices, Performance
Similarity principle based multi-physical parameter unification and comparison in salinity-gradient osmotic energy conversion Ren, Q., Zhu, H., Chen, K. Journal Article Salinity Gradient, Pressure-Retarded Osmosis Modeling Performance, Structural
Effect of shroud on the energy extraction performance of oscillating foil Jiang, W., Mei, Z., Wu, F. Journal Article Current, Oscillating Hydrofoil Modeling Performance, Structural
Nanoparticle enhanced salinity-gradient osmotic energy conversion under photothermal effect Ren, Q., Chen, K., Zhu, H. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Lab Data Performance
Optimal design of radial inflow turbine for ocean thermal energy conversion based on the installation angle of nozzle blade Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, W. Journal Article OTEC Modeling Performance
A capacitor-based power equivalent model for salinity-gradient osmotic energy conversion Liu, Q., Tang, Z., Qu, Z. Journal Article Salinity Gradient Lab Data, Modeling Performance
A numerical investigation of tidal current energy resource potential in a sea strait Burić, M., Grgurić, S., Mikulčić, H. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling
Remote Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Ocean Current Energy Hydraulic Transmission and Control Power Generation System Su, W., Wei, H., Guo, P. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling Control, Performance
Investigation of parameters affecting horizontal axis tidal current turbines modeling by blade element momentum theory El-Shahat, S., Li, G., Lai, F. Journal Article Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Performance
Layout optimization of an inertial energy harvester for miniature underwater mooring platforms Ding, W., Wang, K., Mao, Z. Journal Article Current, Ocean Current Modeling Performance
Numerical investigation on interactive FIO of two-tandem cylinders for hydrokinetic energy harnessing Ding, W., Sun, H., Xu, W. Journal Article Current, Vortex-Induced Vibration Lab Data, Modeling Performance
Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Hydrokinetic Turbine Blades Using Power Signal Huang, Y., Tang, Y., VanZwieten, J. Conference Paper Current Modeling Performance
Numerical investigation into the effects of arm motion and camber on a self-induced oscillating hydrofoil Jiang, W., Zhang, D., Xie, Y. Journal Article Current, Oscillating Hydrofoil Modeling Performance, Structural
The effect of tidal current directions on the optimal design and hydrodynamic performance of a three-turbine system Bai, G., Li, W., Chang, H. Journal Article Current Modeling Array Effects, Hydrodynamics
Investigation on Energy Extraction Performance of an Oscillating Foil with Modified Flapping Motion Xie, Y., Lu, K., Zhang, D. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling Power Take Off
Numerical investigations of the effects of different arrays on power extractions of horizontal axis tidal current turbines Bai, G., Li, J., Fan, P. Journal Article Current, Tidal Modeling