This chapter presents six case studies on Pelamis, Oyster, Limpet, Mutriku, Wave Dragon, PowerBuoy, and Penguin wave energy converters (WECs). It describes a selection of devices that have reached, or seem very likely to reach, megawatt‐scale. It is perhaps unlikely that all will reach full commercialisation because there are many hurdles, financial and environmental as well as technical, to be jumped; but a wide‐ranging selection has the advantage of illustrating the dynamic nature of wave energy research, the many approaches being adopted to translate the wild motion of ocean waves into well‐behaved grid electricity, and the hopes of professional engineers in many countries to realise their visions. It is hard to detect any overarching principles in WEC design beyond the need to extract energy from waves as efficiently and economically as possible and ensure survivability in extreme conditions.
For more information on the full text: Electricity from Wave and Tide: An Introduction to Marine Energy