This paper presents the design of a 100 kW pilot wave energy system designed by UMBRAGROUP spa in the context of the “Electro-MEchanical Reciprogating GEnerator” (EMERGE) project, commissioned by Wave Energy Scotland (WES). The Electro-Mechanical Generator (EMG) is an innovative Power Take-Off (PTO) concept capable of converting slow-speed, reciprocating linear motion into three-phase electricity at high efficiency and reliability. The aim of the EMERGE project is to advance the TRL of the EMG from 5 to 7 for wave energy
applications, demonstrating its performance and survivability in real sea conditions. In order to develop a realistic and appropriate PTO testing platform, the EMG is integrated with a Point-Pivoted Buoy (PPB) and a Power, Control and Monitoring (PCM) system to form a stand-alone Wave Energy Converter (WEC). The WEC has been designed on a risk-mitigation approach at the technological, methodological and logistical level. This work provides an insight into the design process of the WEC, focusing on sub-systems integration and system performance and reliability. Also, it highlights the importance of correctly defining system requirements and functionalities and parallelizing design activities within sub-systems. The WEC is currently being manufactured and will be tested in Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands, Scotland in Summer 2018.