This manuscript summarizes the numerical modeling and experimental testing that was performed to integrate an Oscillating Wave Surge Converter (OWSC) on the WindFloat structure. The WindFloat is a floating foundation supporting a very large wind turbine (>5MW). The OWSC consists of three hinged rectangular flaps (flat stiffened vertical plates) rotating about the top main beams of the WindFloat platform. By incorporating a wave-energy device on the structure and focusing on potential synergies, the overall economics of the project can be improved, since the mooring system, power infrastructure, and installation costs are shared.
For the OWSC analyzed here, the numerical modeling approach is first described, which leads to the computation of the OWSC motion Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs). From these motion RAOs, the theoretical mechanical power available is calculated. The hydrodynamic loads on each OWSC are often dependent on the interferences between the device and the hull, the mooring system, and the non-linear effects which are challenging to model. The OWSC performance depends on empirical coefficients (drag, damping, and stiffness) that need to be validated against laboratory experiments, which were performed and described in this report.