Since 1978 utilization of ocean wave power has been investigated at the Department of Ocean Engineering, the Technical University of Denmark. A wave power converter has been developed after the KN principle from an idea to a small prototype with installed turbine and generator of lkW. During 1985 the prototype will be on a sea trial in the Danish sound Øresund to demonstrate, how well both principle and design are able to deal with the forces of nature. If the construction stands the trial, future development can follow. The principal will be illustrated by the experimental research, presented in this paper. Presentation will involve experiments with: a) one buoy, dampened by two single working piston pumps, b) a manifolded system of four of these in an attenuator configuration, and c) test results from a five times larger model of the attenuator (the prototype due for sea trail).
Click here to view the book Hydrodynamics of Ocean Wave-Energy Utilization.