This paper details work conducted using the commercial CFD software package Fluent to investigate the influence of different TEC array arrangements. This work investigates the performance variation across a TEC located centrally in an array (measured as a pressure differential). Two scenarios were considered. Firstly, we examined the influence on a central TEC of other TECs in a fixed spacing array and for different configurations (single row array, two- row array with turbines upstream of the central TEC, three-row array with turbine rows both upstream and downstream of the central TEC). Secondly, we examined the influence on a central TEC of other TECs for a given three-row array configuration but considering different latitudinal and longitudinal spacings.
This approach to TEC array modelling does not attempt to conduct detailed modelling of the TEC, but instead examines the variation in the performance of a central TEC as the array is increased row by row. Additional modelling work detailing simulations conducted to investigate the influence of chosen model parameters and assumptions are also summarised along with a discussion of related uncertainties.
Results of analyses examining the influence of the lateral and longitudinal MCT spacing are presented for a tidal farm array comprising three rows. This work examines the relative effect of increasing the inter row spacing between TEC turbines from 3 TEC rotor diameters to 5 and the row spacing from 10 TEC rotor diameters to 15.