The recent development of subsea power cables for various offshore marine renewable energy technologies has identified the need for new cables that have low structural stiffness properties. This type of cable is referred to as dynamic cable because of its high bending flexibility compared to static cables. The current study presents a cable design model and simulation models that were developed for the design and fatigue analysis of dynamic cables. These models were applied on a subsea dynamic power cable with a design that is suitable for a floating point-absorbing wave energy converter (WEC), where the cable must withstand cyclic loads imposed by the motions of the WEC, the waves and the ocean currents. The cable design model is presented with its detailed design and dimensioning methodology for cables with multiorder helical structures, with respect to desired (target) mechanical properties. The cable design model is verified against a verification study in the literature. A simulation model of a fatigue test rig for accelerated rotational bending is presented. The results from the numerical simulations and the subsequent fatigue analyses are compared against results from experiments using the test rig. The influence of the dynamic effects and mechanical properties on the fatigue life of the cable is discussed. This study contributes to a better understanding of the fatigue failure mechanisms of the cable, and it also highlights the importance of further development of numerical models.