An accurate numerical representation of a wave energy converter is crucial for the development of the wave energy industry, particularly the ability to provide performance predictions for arrays of devices deployed in farms. It is also vital to be able to evaluate the environmental impacts due to the change in wave climate associated with the presence of an array of wave energy converters. For the work presented here, which was undertaken as part of the PerAWaT project (Performance Assessment of Wave and Tidal Array Systems) commissioned by the Energy Technologies Institute, the TOMAWAC third generation spectral wave model is used to examine the importance of the frequency and directional dependence of the wave climate’s response to the presence of wave energy converters. Wave energy converters are represented in the spectral wave model as independent point source/sink terms in the wave action equation. This is distinct from previous studies where the wave energy converters are subsumed into a wave farm, which is represented as a single entity. This new form of representation allows easy implementation of wave energy converter terms which are frequency, directional, and even sea- state dependent. A simplified test case consisting of an incoming wave encountering a line of wave energy converter devices is carried out, and direct comparisons between the frequency and directional independent and dependent cases are presented.