The wake of a laboratory scale tidal stream turbine in a shallow water channel with a turbulent inflow is simulated using the hybrid LES/ALM technique, which combines large eddy simulation with the actuator line method. The turbulent inlet conditions are generated using the mapping method to avoid a precursor running and large space for saving data. The numerical results demonstrated the usefulness of the mapping technique as well as some shortcomings that still remain to be addressed. Good agreement between numerical predictions and experimental data is achieved for both the mean and turbulent characteristics of the flow behind the turbine. The examination of changes in turbulence intensity and turbulent kinetic energy in the streamwise direction confirms the existence of a peak and transition to a highly turbulent flow about three diameters downstream of the turbine, which means that the distinct characteristics of the streamwise changes of turbulence intensity or turbulent kinetic energy may serve as an effective indicator for the flow regime transition and wake behaviour.