OTEC is one of the new and renewable energy,which is the answer of energy crisis at the moment. OTEC system can work optimally and produce electrical energy if the minimum difference range temperature is 20°C. Ocean thermal energy utilization is very suitable to be applied in Indonesia. One of Indonesia's marine potential to be used in the development of OTEC technology is the Banda Sea which has particularly a depth of 6,500 m. Work of OTEC systems are quite effective and efficient is to use a hybrid cycle technology. So with this cycle, in addition to generating electricity can also produce fresh water as a sea water desalination results that can be utilized to meet water needs residents of the Ambon Island. Banda Sea which has an area of about 500,000 km² with a total coastline length of approximately 98 km capable of producing around 0.26 GW or 1,831.2 GWh of electric power. Data from mathematical calculations show that electricity will be generated from ocean thermal energy conversion in the Banda Sea is almost enough to meet the electricity needs in Maluku planned by the government in 2014 only plus of 0.28 GW of electric power.