In 2001 UK, Portugal, and Denmark initiated the Ocean Energy Systems (OES) Technology Collaboration Project under International Energy Agency (IEA). Today twenty-five different member states have joined. In 2016, Robert Thresher from NREL proposed the collaboration on numerical modelling of Wave Energy Converters (WEC’s) “OES Task 10”, based on good experiences from a similar task under IEA Wind. Within the OES group, interested teams and researchers from seventeen countries wanted to participate in Task 10. The EXCO decided to initiate Task 10 based on this great interest. This task offers a unique possibility to work together on common simulation tasks which enables and facilitates a better understanding of how wave energy conversion works. The photo in Figure 1 is from the first workshop at the Ibis Schiphol Hotel in Amsterdam.
This report presents results and lessons from the first years of the project, including two generic reference cases for numerical modelling of:
- Heaving WEC absorbers
- Oscillating Water Column (OWC) systems
The OES Webpage and the NREL share point site serves as a database for benchmark model case data and results for verification as well as code-to-code comparisons.