Altunkaynak, A.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 7
Title Author Date Sort descending Type of Content Technology Collection Method Engineering
Stochastic wave energy calculation formulation Ozger, M., Altunkaynak, A., Şen, Z. Journal Article Wave
Comparison of numerical and experimental analyses for optimizing the geometry of OWC systems Mahnamfar, F., Altunkaynak, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling, Scale Device Performance, Structural
Long-Term Macro-Scale Assessment of Wave Power of Black Sea by an Optimized Numerical Model Abdollahzadehmoradi, Y., Ozger, M., Altunkaynak, A. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hydrodynamics
Experimental investigations on the performance of a fixed-oscillating water column type wave energy converter Çelik, A., Altunkaynak, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Scale Device Performance, Power Take Off, Structural
Determination of damping coefficient experimentally and mathematical vibration modelling of OWC surface fluctuations Çelik, A., Altunkaynak, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling Hydrodynamics
Determination of hydrodynamic parameters of a fixed OWC by performing experimental and numerical free decay tests Çelik, A., Altunkaynak, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device Hydrodynamics
A novel Geno-fuzzy based model for hydrodynamic efficiency prediction of a land-fixed oscillating water column for various front wall openings, power take-off dampings and incident wave steepnesses Altunkaynak, A., Çelik, A. Journal Article Wave, Oscillating Water Column Modeling Materials, Power Take Off, Structural