Di Lauro, E.

Affiliated Marine Energy Engineering Documents

Total results: 7
Title Author Date Type of Content Sort descending Technology Collection Method Engineering
Full-scale prototype of an overtopping breakwater for wave energy conversion Contestabile, P., Vincenzo, F. , Di Lauro, E. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Field Data, Full Scale Performance
Prototype Overtopping Breakwater for Wave Energy Conversion at Port of Naples Contestabile, P., Ferrante, V., Di Lauro, E. Conference Paper Wave, Overtopping Full Scale Structural
Wave loadings acting on innovative rubble mound breakwater for overtopping wave energy conversion Contestabile, P., Iuppa, C., Di Lauro, E. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Lab Data, Scale Device Performance
Economic assessment of Overtopping BReakwater for Energy Conversion (OBREC): a case study in Western Australia Contestabile, P., Di Lauro, E., Buccino, M. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling
Overtopping Breakwater for wave Energy Conversion: review of state of art, recent advancements and what lies ahead Contestabile, P., Crispino, G., Di Lauro, E. Journal Article Wave, Overtopping Modeling, Full Scale Performance, Power Take Off
Review of Innovative Harbor Breakwaters for Wave-Energy Conversion Vicinanza, D., Di Lauro, E., Contestabile, P. Journal Article Wave
Proof of Concept of a Breakwater-Integrated Hybrid Wave Energy Converter Using a Composite Modelling Approach Koutrouveli, T., Di Lauro, E., das Neves, L. Journal Article Wave Modeling Hybrid Devices, Performance