The Knowledge Base provides access to information about technical and engineering aspects of marine energy. Relevant documents from around the world are compiled into a user-friendly table that displays all content available in Tethys Engineering. Results can be narrowed using the keyword filters on the right, or with search terms entered in the text box, including targeted searches (e.g., org:DOE, author:polagye). Content may also be sorted alphabetically by clicking on column headers. Some entries will appear on the next page.
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Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Content type | Technology | Collection Method | Engineering |
Improving OWC performance prediction using polychromatic waves | Ferguson, T.; Fleming, A.; Penesis, I.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance | |
MARINET experiment KNSWING testing an I-Beam OWC attenuator | Nielsen, K.; Bingham, H. | Journal Article | Wave, Attenuator | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Performance | |
Performance assessment of wave measurements of wave buoys | Liu, Q.; Lewis, T.; Zhang, Y.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave, Point Absorber | Test Center, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance | |
A large scale model experimental study of a tidal turbine in uniform steady flow | Atcheson, M.; MacKinnon, P.; Elsaesser, B. | Journal Article | Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal | Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance | |
Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter by Means of Straight-bladed Darrieus Turbine | Brusca, S.; Cucinotta, F.; Galvagno, A.; et al. | Conference Paper | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Performance, Structural | |
Optimal design of a thin-wall diffuser for performance improvement of a tidal energy system for an AUV | Shi, W.; Wang, D.; Atlar, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Current, Axial Flow Turbine | Modeling, Scale Device | Control, Performance, Structural | |
CECO wave energy converter: Experimental proof of concept | Rosa-Santos, P.; Taveira-Pinto, F.; Teixeira, L.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave | Lab Data, Scale Device | Performance | |
Experimental and numerical study of hydrodynamic responses of a combined wind and wave energy converter concept in survival modes | Wan, L.; Gao, Z.; Moan, T. | Journal Article | Wave | Lab Data, Scale Device | Hybrid Devices | |
Experimental Evaluation of a Horizontal-Axis Marine Current Turbine Using Two Scale Models | Rahimian, M.; Walker, J.; Penesis, I.; et al. | Conference Paper | Axial Flow Turbine | Scale Device | Hydrodynamics | |
Tow-tank testing of a 1/20th scale horizontal axis tidal turbine with uncertainty analysis | Doman, D.; Murray, R.; Pegg, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Current, Axial Flow Turbine | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Performance | |
Wave tank experiments on the power capture of a multi-axis wave energy converter | Zhang, D.; George, A.; Wang, Y.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave, Point Absorber | Modeling, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural | |
Wave Loads on a Point-Absorbing Wave Energy Device in Extreme Waves | Göteman, M.; Engström, J.; Eriksson, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave, Point Absorber | Scale Device | Power Take Off | |
Capture width of the three-float multi-mode multi-resonance broadband wave energy line absorber M4 from laboratory studies with irregular waves of different spectral shape and directional spread | Stansby, P.; Moreno, E.; Stallard, T. | Journal Article | Wave, Point Absorber | Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance | |
SEAREV: Case study of the development of a wave energy converter | Cordonnier, J.; Gorintin, F.; De Gagny, A. ; et al. | Journal Article | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Control | |
Scaled development of a novel Wave Energy Converter through wave tank to utility-scale laboratory testing | Rhinefrank, K.; Schacher, A.; Prudell, J.; et al. | Conference Paper | Wave | Lab Data, Scale Device | ||
Creating a Dynamometer for Experimental Validation of Power Take-Off Forces on a Wave Energy Converter | Simmons, A.; Brekken, T.; Lomonaco, P.; et al. | Conference Paper | Wave | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Power Take Off | |
Survivability of Wave Energy Converter and Mooring Coupled System using CFD | Ransley, E. | Thesis | Wave, Point Absorber | Modeling, Scale Device | Mooring | |
Performance Improvement of a Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter by Application of an Observer-Based Control: Results From Wave Tank Testing | Kracht, P.; Perez-Becker, S.; Richard, J.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave, Point Absorber | Lab Data, Scale Device | Control, Performance | |
Numerical and experimental studies on the PTO system of a novel floating wave energy converter | Kim, B.; Zullah, M.; Ahmed, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Power Take Off | |
Three-float broad-band resonant line absorber with surge for wave energy conversion | Stansby, P.; Moreno, E.; Stallard, T.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave, Point Absorber | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Performance | |
Advancing Marine Renewable Energy Monitoring Capabilities | Joslin, J. | Thesis | Ocean Current, Wave | Scale Device | Materials, Structural | |
U.S. Department of Energy Reference Model 1 & 2: Experimental Results on Performance & Wake Characteristics | Hill, C.; Neary, V.; Gunawan, B.; et al. | Conference Paper | Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Cross Flow Turbine, Riverine, Tidal | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Performance | |
Hydrodynamic performance of an oscillating water column wave energy converter by means of particle imaging velocimetry | López, I.; Castro, A.; Iglesias, G. | Journal Article | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Lab Data, Scale Device | Performance | |
Wave Energy Prize Final Presentation | LaBonte, A. | Presentation | Wave | Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural | |
Performance of OWC wave energy converters: influence of turbine damping and tidal variability | López, I.; Pereiras, B.; Castro, F.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance | |
Numerical model validation for mooring systems: Method and application for wave energy converters | Harnois, V.; Weller, S.; Johanning, L.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Mooring | |
Nature and magnitude of wave loadings at Seawave Slot-cone Generators | Buccino, M.; Vicinanza, D.; Salerno, D.; et al. | Journal Article | Wave, Overtopping | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics | |
Wave Forces on an Oscillating Water Column Device | Ashlin, S.; Sannasiraj, S.; Sundar, V. | Journal Article | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Lab Data, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics | |
Experimental Wave Tank Test for Reference Model 3 Floating Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter Project | Yu, Y.; Lawson, M.; Li, Y.; et al. | Report | Wave, Point Absorber | Lab Data, Full Scale, Scale Device | Performance | |
Design of a Wave Energy Converter | Boccotti, P. | Book Chapter | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Modeling, Scale Device | Structural | |
Optimisation of a clutch-rectified power take off system for a heaving wave energy device in irregular waves with experimental comparison | Lok, K.; Stallard, T.; Jenkins, N. | Journal Article | Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter | Modeling, Scale Device | Control, Performance, Power Take Off | |
Performance improvements of mooring systems for wave energy converters | Casaubieilh, P.; Thiebaut, F.; Bosma, B.; et al. | Conference Paper | Wave | Lab Data, Scale Device | Mooring | |
Application of the Aero-Hydro-Elastic Model, HAWC2-WAMIT, to Offshore Data from Floating Power Plants Hybrid Wind- and Wave-Energy Test Platform, P37 | Bellew, S.; Yde, A.; Verelst, D. | Conference Paper | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Field Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Hybrid Devices | |
Experimental study of extreme thrust on a tidal stream rotor due to turbulent flow and with opposing waves | Fernandez-Rodriguez, E.; Stallard, T.; Stansby, P. | Journal Article | Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal | Lab Data, Scale Device | Performance | |
U.S. Department of Energy Reference Model Program RM1: Experimental Results | Hill, C.; Neary, V.; Gunawan, B.; et al. | Report | Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Tidal | Lab Data, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance | |
Reference Model 6 (RM6): Oscillating Wave Energy Converter | Bull, D.; Smith, C.; Jenne, D.; et al. | Report | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural | |
Experimental Confirmation of Water Column Natural Resonance Migration in a BBDB Device | Bull, D.; Gunawan, B.; Holmes, B. | Report | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance, Power Take Off, Structural | |
Experimental study of the turbulence intensity effects on marine current turbines behaviour. Part II: Two interacting turbines | Mycek, P.; Gaurier, B.; Germain, G.; et al. | Journal Article | Current, Axial Flow Turbine | Lab Data, Scale Device | Array Effects | |
Optimization and Annual Average Power Predictions of A Backward Bent Duct Buoy Oscillating Water Column Device Using the Wells Turbine | Smith, C.; Willits, S.; Fontaine, A.; et al. | Report | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Field Data, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural | |
Physical modelling of wave energy converters | Sheng, W.; Alcorn, R.; Lewis, T. | Journal Article | Wave | Lab Data, Scale Device | ||
Large Scale Tests on a Generalised Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter | Allsop, W.; Bruce, T.; Alderson, J.; et al. | Conference Paper | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Lab Data, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance | |
Laboratory Observation of Waves in the Vicinity of WEC-Arrays | Haller, M.; Porter, A.; Lenee-Bluhm, P.; et al. | Report | Wave, Point Absorber | Lab Data, Scale Device | Array Effects, Hydrodynamics | |
U.S. Department of Energy Reference Model Program RM2: Experimental Results | Hill, C.; Neary, V.; Gunawan, B.; et al. | Report | Current, Axial Flow Turbine, Cross Flow Turbine, Riverine | Lab Data, Full Scale, Scale Device | Performance | |
Model-prototype similarity of oscillating-water-column wave energy converters | Falcao, A.; Henriques, J. | Journal Article | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Lab Data, Modeling, Scale Device | Performance, Structural | |
Small-scale model tests of a rubber-tube wave energy converter with pneumatic power take-off | Mendes, A.; Paredes, L.; Gil, F.; et al. | Conference Paper | Wave, Pressure Differential | Lab Data, Scale Device | Power Take Off | |
Experimental and numerical studies of blade roughness and fouling on marine current turbine performance | Walker, J.; Flack, K.; Lust, E.; et al. | Journal Article | Current, Axial Flow Turbine | Lab Data, Scale Device | Performance | |
Power Generation Using the Kuroshio Current Development of floating type ocean current turbine system | IHI Corporation | Report | Current, Ocean Current | Lab Data, Scale Device | ||
The Contribution of Environmental Siting and Permitting Requirements to the Cost of Energy for Wave Energy Devices Reference Model #5 | Copping, A.; Geerlofs, S.; Hanna, L. | Report | Wave, Oscillating Wave Surge Converter | Full Scale, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics | |
Validation of Theoretical Performance Results using Wave Tank Testing of Heaving Point Absorber Wave Energy Conversion Device working against a Subsea Reaction Plate | Previsic, M.; Shoele, K.; Epler, J. ; et al. | Conference Paper | Wave, Point Absorber | Lab Data, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance | |
Optimization and Annual Average Power Predictions of A Backward Bent Duct Buoy Oscillating Water Column Device Using the Wells Turbine | Smith, C.; Bull, D.; Willits, S.; et al. | Conference Paper | Wave, Oscillating Water Column | Field Data, Scale Device | Hydrodynamics, Performance, Structural |
Displaying 1 - 50 of 56