A new wave energy test site, Pacific Marine Energy Center-South Energy Test Site (PMEC-SETS) - is being proposed for construction off the coast of Newport, Oregon, U.S. The intermittent nature of wave energy presents a unique challenge for the transmission system operator, as the integration of a wave energy farm onto the electrical grid creates the potential for disturbance to the operation and stability of the grid. Consequently, this paper assesses the PMEC-SETS development and the impact of its connection to the Oregon (and the rest of the Western Interconnection) network, in terms of steady-state, dynamic, and transient characteristics. The electrical infrastructure analysis is implemented using two power system simulation tools: 1) PowerWorld and 2) DIgSILENT PowerFactory. Power-World is used to create an equivalent model of the transmission system, and DIgSILENT PowerFactory is used to examine the impact of the wave farm at the point of connection, under normal and faulted conditions. A case study of 20 wave energy converters is used to illustrate the results.