This research provides an updated energy yield assessment for a large tidal stream turbine array in the Alderney Race. The original array energy yield estimate was presented in 2004. Enhancements to this original work are made through the use of a validated two-dimensional hydrodynamic model, enabling the resolution of flow modelling to be improved and the impacts of array blockage to be quantified. Results show that a range of turbine designs (i.e. rotor diameter and power capacity) are needed for large-scale development, given the spatial variation in bathymetry and flow across the Alderney Race. Array blockage causes a reduction in flow speeds in the array of up to 2.5 m s−1, increased flow speeds around the array of up to 1 m s−1 and a reduction in the mean volume flux through the Alderney Race of 8%. The annual energy yield estimate of the array is 3.18 TWh, equivalent to the electricity demand of around 1 million homes. The capacity factor of the array is 18%, implying sub-optimal array design. This result demonstrates the need for turbine rated speed to be selected based on the altered flow regime, not the ambient flow. Further enhancement to array performance is explored through increases to rotor diameter and changes to device micro-siting, demonstrating the significant potential for array performance improvement.