This document has been prepared by London Offshore Consultants Limited for RenewableUK following various discussions with HSE and consultations with others involved with the jack-up industry. The report provides guidelines on the safety and integrity of jack-ups deployed in the marine renewable energy industry.
This guidance is intended to be relevant to all organisations contributing to the operation of jack-ups, but it is particularly relevant to jack-up owners’/operators’ technical staff and crews responsible for the operation of jack-ups, and to project managers in the marine renewable energy industry.
This document does not include guidance on the assessment or management of generic workplace hazards or marine safety matters that are common to all marine vessels, except where such matters relate specifically to jack-ups and jack-up operations.
These guidelines apply to jack-ups of all types. For the purpose of these guidelines a jack-up is defined as any non-propelled or self-propelled marine vessel that is fitted with legs and a jacking system that provides the vessel with the capability to elevate the hull above the surface of the sea. Other industry terms used to identify jack-ups are Mobile Offshore Units (MOUs), Self elevating Platforms (SEPs) and Lift Boats.