This paper presents the hydraulic circuit of a new wave energy converter (WEC) design, the MGR. The MGR, due to its working principle, is a hydraulic circuit indeed. The MGR is a near shore submerged converter that takes advantage of the oscillating water column created by the wave when it passes on the converter's platform. The wave column pushes the platform, transmitting the force to a single acting cylinder, that pumps sea water to the coast, where is turbined generating electricity.
The study comprises the components definition and the pressure drop in the circuit. The filtered sea water taken from seabed is conduced to the single acting cylinder by a 3-way valve, where it is pumped to the accumulators. The accumulators store pressure energy, to damp cylinder pulses and assure a constant flow. The flow of different modules are collected and sent to the coast through an submerged pipe, where is transformed in electrical energy by a Pelton turbine.