In the present study, the hydrodynamic efficiency of a cylindrical wave energy converter (WEC) of vertical symmetry axis and arranged in front of a reflecting orthogonal breakwater is explored. The idea is based on exploiting the anticipated amplification of the scattered and the reflected wave fields originating from the presence of the vertical walls, towards increasing the WEC’s wave power absorption due to the walls’ wave reflections. Two types of converters are examined, namely the heaving device and the oscillating water column (OWC) device, assuming linear potential theory. The associated diffraction-, motion-, and pressure-radiation problems are solved using axisymmetric eigenfunction expansions for the velocity potential around the WECs by properly accounting for the wave field’s modification due to the walls’ presence. To this end, a theoretical formulation dealing with the evaluation of the converter’s performance is presented accounting for the coupling between the WEC and the reflecting vertical walls. The results depict that the amount of the harvested wave power by the WEC in front of an orthogonal wall is amplified compared to the absorbed wave power by the same WEC in the open sea.