E-Motions wave energy converter is a promising device capable of harnessing energy from wave/wind induced roll oscillations onto a generic floating platform, whose development was initiated with an experimental proof-of-concept study that, despite demonstrating the potentialities of the device, also highlighted the need for further developments, aimed at improving its performance and efficiency. This justified a new phase of numerical modelling, where E-Motions was reproduced within the ANSYS® AQWA™ environment, a potential theory-based numerical model widely used in the field of wave energy converter development. The model was setup (first stage) and calibrated (second stage) with experimental data from a proof-of-concept study, carried out on a 1:40 geometric scale, with a good agreement being obtained for the hydrostatic properties (difference below 5%) and hydrodynamic roll response (minimum average error of 2.83°). From a follow-up third stage, focused on comparing eight different hull solutions with similar natural roll periods, it was determined that the half-sphere and trapezoidal prism geometries produced the highest power outputs for the studied conditions (maximum average outputs of nearly 5 kW/m and 8 kW/m, respectively). These two designs were then adapted to a 1:20 geometric scale alongside an updated version of the half-cylinder, which served as a “control” case, and subjected to a final stage of numerical modelling centered on assessing the Power Take-Off’s influence (namely through variable damping and mass) in their performance. Outcomes from this stage denote the necessity of a careful selection of Power Take-Off mass/damping combinations, as a disproportionate relationship could lead to scenarios where the conversion system would stall on one of the superstructure’s sides, moving within a very limited range of the available sliding amplitude. Maximum average power output values reach nearly 24 kW, 30 kW and 18 kW for the half-cylinder, half-sphere and trapezoidal prism, respectively, with a follow-up experimental study being planned for the near future, in order to evaluate the validity of these results.