Field and laboratory validation and testing data provide critical information needed to increase the technology readiness level of marine energy converters. While data collection systems and standards have steadily advanced, there is still a need for Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) specific open-source data processing (data ingestion, reduction, conditioning, calculation, and visualization), quality control, and management tools. MHKiT is open-source MRE software designed to fill gaps where MRE specific software is not currently available. The open-source nature of the MHKiT software allows users to make changes to adapt the software to their specific needs, and is currently open for community development.
MHKiT leverages prior investments by the U.S. Department of Energy, the offshore engineering and measurement community, the MRE sector, and the U.S. Navy to provide the MRE community with standardized, open-source data processing, management, and quality control software solutions that are verified by appropriate experts. To increase its accessibility to a wider MRE audience, MHKiT (https://github.com/MHKiT-Software) is available in both Python and MATLAB versions, MHKiT-Python and MHKiT-MATLAB respectively. Both versions have the same functionality and include detailed documentation and examples. The released v0.1 version is under continuous development with planned additional functionality to further encompass a standardized approach to MRE data processing and handling. MHKiT v0.1 has been developed based on the IEC TC114 technical specifications 62600 [1], and includes an initial set of functions required to perform the primary data quality control, processing, analysis, and visualization as called out in the technical specifications. MHKiT includes modules for wave, tidal, and river energy converter power performance, wave and tidal resource asessments, data quality control and assurance, and functions for data ingestion.
MHKiT is a joint effort between the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories. In 2020 and 2021, the MHKiT team will extend existing functionality and create new functions for power quality, mechanical loads, and cloud-based processing of large data sets. By using MHKiT, we hope members of the MRE community can improve technology development through accurately processing MRE laboratory and field test data. This presentation will provide an overview and demonstration of MHKiT.