This complete reference to marine renewable energy covers aspects of resource characterization and physical effects of harvesting the ocean’s vast and powerful resources—from wave and tidal stream to ocean current energy. Experts in each of these areas contribute their insights to provide a cohesive overview of the marine renewable energy spectrum based on theoretical, numerical modeling, and field-measurement approaches. They provide clear explanations of the underlying physics and mechanics, and give close consideration to practical implementation aspects, including impacts on the physical system. Engineers, researchers, and students alike will find invaluable tools and studies that will aid them in realizing significant sustainable energy production from near-shore and ocean environments.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Wave Energy Assessments: Quantifying the Resource and Understanding the Uncertainty
Chapter 2: Wave Energy Resources Along the European Atlantic Coast
Chapter 3: Analyses of Wave Scattering and Absorption Produced by WEC Arrays: Physical/Numerical Experiments and Model Assessment
Chapter 4: Hydrokinetic Tidal Energy Resource Assessments Using Numerical Models
Chapter 5: Tidal Energy Resource Measurements
Chapter 6: Wave-Tide Interactions in Ocean Renewable Energy
Chapter 7: Use of Global Satellite Altimeter and Drifter Data for Ocean Current Resource Characterization
Chapter 8: Mapping the Ocean Current Strength and Persistence in the Agulhas to Inform Marine Energy Development
Chapter 9: Ocean Current Energy Resource Assessment for the Gulf Stream System: The Florida Current
Chapter 10: Marine Hydrokinetic Energy in the Gulf Stream Off North Carolina: An Assessment Using Observations and Ocean Circulation Models
Chapter 11: Effects of Tidal Stream Energy Extraction on Water Exchange and Transport Timescales
Chapter 12: The Impact of Marine Renewable Energy Extraction on Sediment Dynamics
Chapter 13: Assessing the Impacts of Marine-Hydrokinetic Energy (MHK) Device Noise on Marine Systems by Using Underwater Acoustic Models as Enabling Tools
Chapter 14: Challenges to Characterization of Sound Produced by Marine Energy Converters
Chapter 15: Planning and Management Frameworks for Renewable Ocean Energy