The purpose of this document is to describe the methodology EPRI will use to establish conceptual designs for both a nominal 500 kW pilot demonstration system as well as a nominal 10 MW commericial-sized system. The conceptual designs will be use as the basis for establishing capital and operating cost parameters as well as identifying critical technical, deployment/recover and operational issues.
The purpose of the commercial plant design is to study the system, performance, environmental, and regulatory issues and evaluate the economics of such a design to determine the techno-economic feasibility of using this technology. If it looks attractive and doable, then we may well want to invest in or influence private investors in developing this clean local renewable resource. The purpose of the pilot plant is a recognition that investors are going to need some actual experiences and reduction of uncertainties before going ahead with a commercial scale plant.
Previously published documents describe the methodologies EPRI will use to estimate the annual power production (Reference 1) and the cost of the plant and the cost of electricity produced (Reference 2).