Turbine-induced damping is a critical parameter affecting the performance of oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters. Therefore, selecting the appropriate turbine-chamber combination is an essential step in their design. In this work, a methodology is developed to determine the optimum turbine diameter for a given chamber, i.e., the diameter which maximizes the pneumatic energy capture of the chamber under an extensive set of wave conditions—covering virtually the entire range of wave conditions relevant for wave energy exploitation. This novel approach combines physical and numerical modelling with dimensional analysis. Importantly, it results in a turbine diameter that enables the turbine to operate at maximum efficiency. Through the different modelling techniques applied, the methodology accounts for air compressibility effects and other non-linear effects. It is applicable to non-linear turbines, with the study focusing on the promising biradial turbine. The results indicate that using the proposed methodology to select the turbine diameter significantly improves the capture-width ratio of the OWC, with increases of up to 100% for individual sea states. Two turbine diameters were identified as appropriate for the proposed OWC chamber design, 1.1 m for low-energy sites, and 1.4 m for mid- and high-energy sites.