A three blade, fixed pitch, vertical axis tidal current turbine was designed, instrumented and tested in the BC research towing tank. Prior to the testing, a specialized auxiliary carriage was designed for testing of ocean energy devices. Additional instrumentation was acquired to allow for improved data acquisition capacity and a wider range of testing capabilities. Experimental results were obtained for an un-ducted as well as a ducted turbine with Venturi type ducting. In both cases, the turbine torque was measured as a function of phase angle for several fixed blade angles of attack. The drag forces, angular position and rpm were also recorded for each test case. In addition, pressures along the duct were measured for a select number of cases. Due to the highly transient as well as turbulent nature of the flow, significant effort was spent on ensuring the quality of data through careful instrument calibration and multiple repeatability tests. These efforts resulted in data repeatability within 1%. The experimental results are used for validation and calibration of two numerical models: a 2D RANS model and a 3D Free Vortex model. Both models show good agreement with experimental results. The advantages and limitations of the numerical approaches are discussed in the paper.